Sunday, October 09, 2005

Word of the Day: Earthquake

I have been breathing earthquake today. Not to sound trite (because I have a great amount of sympathy for the people of South Asia) but is there any way we could get the natural disaster schedule changed so that they don't keep happening on the weekend?

Tomorrow is Michelle's birthday. She's finally 24. I swear she seems older than that. We went out last night to Continental to celebrate and inadvertantly ended up crashing a wedding. I think. And I met the most charming guy. Why do men look so hot in suits??

For her actual birthday, we are going skydiving (thank you Christopher Columbus for losing your way to India and therefore affording us a day off in the middle of October to go jump out of a plane). My boss (who just happens to be her boss too) said he wasn't comfortable with the thought of us both being in the same plane. I guess there's more chance of one of us surviving if we're not. Is that a pleasant thought.

I'm a little apprehensive about this jumping from 4,000 feet thing. In reading the FAQ page of their website today, I came across a very disturbing piece of literature. This link is to the weather page. Click on the word monkey to share my distress. Did you know that chickenheartedness is an actual word?

In between submitting pages and creating categories for my webpage, I made Michelle a quilt for her birthday.'s a surprise. I'll post a photo soon. I'm really pretty proud of it.

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