Monday, February 27, 2006

Word of the Day: Tofu Todd

Definition: Unknown

Tonight = Monday. ATM night. RFD. Usual time, usual place.

All the "usual" members of the ATM were in attendance tonight except for Michelle (who was there in spirit). So everyone can attest to the fact that Tofu Todd agreed to start a blog entitled "Rancid Goat". Stay tuned for a link to said blog, which will surely entertain for endless hours! Today was a good day for blogs. My friend Brian is also starting a blog tomorrow. I can't wait!!

So there we were, hanging out at RFD, when I noticed that if I didn't leave that very second, I would miss the blasted bus AGAIN. To avoid this calamity, we ran (ran!) to the metro. On the way, Todd said that if we didn't make the metro, we'd go have shots and come back later. Upon arrival, we found that a train was arriving. Damn it -- GREEN! According to the board, the yellow was 8 minutes away! There's no way I'll make the 8pm bus. P.S. I hate the bus. So Todd and I look at each other, we look at Tony and Steve, and we bolt for the stairs.

We met some random guy at the bar who was hanging out and recruited him for the Tequila shot. Then we ran back to the metro where again the Green line was arriving. Todd said "That's the green, don't get on!" due to a previous run-in we had with the green line. And he stayed with me until the yellow arrived (even though he could have gotten on the green). Seconds after the green went away, the yellow was arriving, but we noticed that the board still said "Yellow: 8 minutes". Wait, what? OMG. The board is broken!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Word of the Day: Fidus Achates

Definition of: fidus Achates
fidus Achates: Faithful Achates (the companion of Aeneas); a true friend.

This weekend I went to Pittsburgh with a dear, dear friend. And what a fun time it was. This photo sums it all up for me. Here we have me and Kim with our beautiful new half-price hair, Kasey and Brian who we hung out with Saturday night and the "super-star" glasses we took from a geocache:


Love ya Kim!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Word of the Day: Portend

To serve as an omen or a warning of; presage: black clouds that portend a storm.
To indicate by prediction; forecast

My computer just beeped three times. Is that a problem? Actually, it didn't just beep three times, it beeped three times, followed by three more beeps and then followed by three more beeps. That has to be a problem, right? I googled "computer beeps" and all I was able to find out is that if it beeps two long beeps you're going to die and if it beeps one long and three short beeps you're going to live. How am I supposed to understand a computer? It's worse than a baby. Do I feed it? Do I cuddle it? Does it want to be held? Or should I just shut it off? The beeping is probably somehow indirectly related to the System 32 folder. I bet it is. The evil thing.

Speaking of bad omens... can a blown light bulb portend a worthless open house? If so, I might as well take my condo off the market now and save everyone the hassle. Last time I had an open house, the bulbs in my bathroom light fixture blew the night before and I spent what seemed like hours on a stool trying to get the cover off the darn thing so I could change them. Tonight the entrance hall light blew... and would you know that I have an open house on Sunday? What are the chances of that happening? I am not superstitious (I am afterall a Christian) but then is God trying to tell me something?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Word of the Day: bete noire

bete noire \bet-NWAHR\:
Something or someone particularly detested or avoided.

So I'm sitting here at my desk, quietly working like a good employee and all I can hear is the annoying chatter of my coworkers, approximately 15 feet behind me.

CW1: "She's purposely going to defy you if you keep telling her what not to do."
CW2: "She's not going to go off doing her own thing because if she does then I'll just turn it off." (Speaking of a cell phone he recently purchased for his girlfriend)
CW1: "She is going to text message MORE because you tell her not to."
CW2: "Well I bought her the plan so she can't do that. She has to do what I say. Besides, it's like a monkey learning to eat bananas. Why does she need to text? It's a primitive form of communication. You have a phone. Use it -- to speak not type."
CW3: (Joining the conversation because she's aggrivated at the interruption to her own work) "I don't know why you guys are having this conversation. It's apples and oranges. If she wants to text, just let her."
Me via email to CW4 and CW5: "seriously, we're having a whole discussion very silently to ourselves, not bothering anyone. why can't they use email like us?"
CW4 via email to me and CW5: "because they lack all sense of tact and professional courtesy"
CW5 via email to me and CW4: "Oddly, I can't even hear her now. Clearly you guys need me to make you mix CDs."
Meanwhile, a distant coworker whistles loudly.

Why has it come to this? Why should I have to wear headphones at a very loud decibal in order to drown out the personal issues of my coworkers? And who the heck cares if a person chooses to text message instead of call? I personally love text messaging. If you don't want her to do it, then don't freaking buy her a cell phone.

Done. I just solved the world's problems.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Word of the Day: Slugabed

slugabed \SLUHG-uh-bed\, noun:
One who stays in bed until a late hour; a sluggard.

I know at least five people who slept in this weekend until an unreasonably late hour, including myself, due to the feeling of freedom that accompanies a long weekend. I basked in the glory that is President's Day by staying up until 2am and getting up sometime around noon each day. And oh how glorious it was.

But then came Tuesday morning. The obnoxious BLARING of my alarm clock awoke me at an unreasonably EARLY hour, to which I rolled over, sniveling "What day is it? Where am I? Aw crap. I have to go to work." I spent the better part of Monday hanging out at Murky Coffee in Clarendon writing my book and couldn't help but muse that it would be so wonderful to do my own thing everyday, hang out in coffee shops where I recognize the people, and drink yummy soy chai lattes. And yet here I am, at this desk surrounded by a dump truck full of tea to keep me awake and more bacteria on my desk than in the ice cubes at McDonalds.

A friend of mine said to me today "Isn't it weird that you have probably met your husband already....random thought...(are you going to discuss this random thought in your blog??)...." This is a male friend, by the way. Not a typical thing for a male friend to point out. So I did some research. The odds were actually pretty good that he's correct.

Sixty-three percent of married couples meet through a network of friends.

In Washington, D.C., a whopping 70 percent of the population is single

There are 86 unmarried men for every 100 unmarried women, although in some regions the gender ratio favors women, especially out west. Paradise, Nevada, a suburb 10 miles from Las Vegas, has 118 unmarried men for every 100 unmarried women. Other cities where gals got it good include Austin, Texas; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Tempe, Arizona; and Sunnyvale and Santa Ana, California. A coincidental bonus for women thinking of relocating: All of these cities are sunny and warm. (I guess moving to Tucson is a good idea after all.)

Only 9 percent of women and 2 percent of men say they've found a relationship at a bar or club. You're better off hitting on cuties at Starbucks.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Word of the Day: Melange

mé·lange also me·lange:
A mixture

Let me just say that Seafarers of Catan is the best game ever made. The usual cast of characters assembled for a rowdy game on Friday night. Fitting, or rather, stuffing, six people into such a small space as my condo is definitely a challenge but at the least it was cozy and conducive to trading. ("Corner of the market on the yellow card!")

Friday we took a field trip to the White House for a tour (thank you Lindsey!). Not exactly what I expected. I once waited in line at 6am outside the White House on a visit to DC before sadly being turned away. That was prior to 9/11. And now they only let in school groups. So under cover of La Cruz High School, Michelle, Timoni and I disappointed ourselves with a tour. There's nothing to see there folks. It's just a bunch of old furniture. Seriously, Mt. Vernon was enough. The best part was when a teenage boy asked who a painting was of in the Great Room and the guard replied with a straight face, "That's our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln."

And... that brings us to Saturday. The frigid temperature didn't keep us away from Chief Ike's where my favorite band TRIP LIZARD was playing. Thanks to Trip Lizard, my car now smells like yogurt sauce and onions. What we think happened was that Tofu Todd did something to make Kim squeeze her falafel and the contents were forced to seek asylum on the floor. At any rate, the health inspector would never approve my car as a safe place to eat or breathe.

Thank God for Holidays.

My Attempt to See the World...

My nephew asked for a list of the countries I've been to so he could find them on a map, so I made the list and felt very proud of myself for being fairly successful in my attempt to see the world. I've been to 18 countries. But then today I found this cool program that puts all your visited countries on a bloggable map in red, and now I'm not so proud. 18 countries is only 8% of the world. It looks like I've been just sitting around my whole life, not traveling obviously so this map wouldn't be mostly white. So who wants to go to Tanzania with me?

create your own visited countries map

However, my attempt to visit all the states is going rather well. I've visited 36 states, a whoping 70% of the United States. Now THAT is an accomplishment. Notice where I haven't bothered to go yet. Maine and Vermont are next on the list. It's just so freaking far up there. That's like a 4-day drive.

create your own visited states map

Thursday, February 16, 2006

You've Been Tagged: The Game

You've Been Tagged is a game I got off my friend Steve's blog. I'm taking it to a whole new level. I'm planning (though I may give up halfway) to find a tag for every single answer I give. All of my answers will be linked back to a reference to that particular thing on one of my friend's blogs.

4 Jobs I’ve Had
Hot Pocket cheese straightener (ask me about that one)
Fire Department data entry clerk
National shopping writer/editor
Economics/U.S. policy web editor

4 Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
River Runs Through It
Shakespeare in Love
Jerry MaGuire

4 TV Shows I Love To Watch
The Office
The Amazing Race
The Mole (when it was on)

4 Places I’ve Been On Vacation
Israel (check this link too)
Las Vegas
Deep Creek Lake

4 Favorite Dishes
Five Guys!!!
Pad Thai

4 Websites I Visit Daily
30 Boxes

4 Places I’d Rather Be
At home
Scrapbooking with friends
At a concert

4 Bloggers I’m Tagging
Timoni Grone
Steve Fisher
Kimmy Zuckell
Diverse Hats

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Word of the Day: Nonpareil

nonpareil \non-puh-REL\:

Having no equal; peerless. Something of unequaled excellence

Certainly nothing tops a David Shelby party. It is in-and-of-itself nonpareil. At no other party could 6 well-meaning government employees, 4 contractors and one extra from the Census Bureau finish off almost two full bottles of Rum and half a bottle of Tequila and Bourbon on a Tuesday evening and yet ALL manage to make it into the office the next day (except for the extra from the Census Bureau who I hear worked from home).

Just before getting on the metro headed in the wrong direction, as Todd was lying in the middle of the street and Timoni was hysterically laughing that he tripped over his own feet (which he hadn't -- he did it because I dared him to), I spent a moment being thankful for my friends. I do, somewhat, compartmentalize my friends, though not on purpose -- there's my bible study (some of the best friends I've ever had) and my church friends and then there's the ATM. What can one say about the ATM that is at once non-sentimental and bitterly honest? There's only one word: Nonpareil.

To quote from the Official ATM Playbill of The King & I:

King: You will say no more!
Anna: I will say no more, because there's no more to say!

Happy Anti-Valentine's Day!!

Anna: This girl hurt your vanity... she didn't hurt your heart! You have no heart! You've never loved anyone and you never will.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Word of the Day: Egregious

Conspicuously bad or offensive.


Happy Valentines Day

Monday, February 13, 2006

Word of the Day: Milieu

milieu \meel-YUH; meel-YOO\, noun;
plural milieus or milieux \-(z)\:
Environment; setting.

Why do I take the red-eye? Everytime I book a ticket somewhere I get lured in by the prospect of spending a whole extra day there and inevitable fall victim to the red-eye. Every time I plan to head straight to work upon arrival, and every time I land at 8:30am after three full minutes of sleep I reprimand myself for being so foolish. This trip, I decided to self-medicate so I would sleep for the full three hour flight to Chicago. I popped two tylenol pm (also necessary to ease the pain in the pair of 80-year-old legs I seem to have grown into) and got on the plane. Little did I know, this would be the one flight in all my 9000 flights that the person next to me would want to have a lengthy discussion about Iraq. Yes, apparently our government is not funding the war in Iraq and that is why everything is going awry. Do you know that if we would stop funding programs that give aid to hurricane Katrina victims there would be more than enough money to win this war? Those people in Louisiana want the government to give them housing for FREE. Jobs for FREE. I am sorry, folks, but this is not charity. You have to work for things here. Now let's take that money we're throwing away down there and send it to the troops!* For forty whole minutes of my precious tylenol-enhanced sleeping time, she rattled on about the war and Saddam Hussein's horrible trial demeanor. Here is a short snippet of what I recall from the speech:
"We marched into Fallujah with plenty of men and armor. We had surrounded the city for weeks, so of course we were prepared to blow the city to hell when we finally did. But the one mistake we made was that we left behind huge caches of guns along the way to the city, and you know what... they used those weapons against us!"
Is that right? So you yourself marched through Fallujah? Wow. Incredible. I didn't know they allowed 60-year-old ladies into the Army.

When I got off the plane I was in a bit of a delirium. Those pills don't wear off when you need them too. No, it hung on well into the flight to DC and if I'd been driving home from Dulles instead of the bus driver, we'd all be dead right now. Powerful little devils.

I was away this weekend while all that snow was blanketing the DC area. Eight inches here in the area. It's 20 degrees today. Brr. Meanwhile, I was basking in the sunshine and 65 degree weather all weekend. Not a bad trade-off. And just what did I do all weekend? Well I was by myself for most of the day Saturday so I took the opportunity to do some geocaching (if you don't know what it is, look it up). I wandered along aimlessly not knowing where to find any of these things and found myself conveniently located in the exact spot where there was a webcam. That's me in the pink shirt at the top of the center set of stairs.


* The views and opinions of crazy woman on plane do not necessarily reflect my own

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Word of the Day: Brilliant


Glorious; magnificent; superb; wonderful
Marked by unusual and impressive intellectual acuteness: a brilliant mind; a brilliant solution to the problem.

Timoni has found the most brilliant internet application ever designed and she shared the little secret with me this morning. It's called 30 Boxes. It's amazing how 30 little boxes could revolutionize the way we interact, the way we schedule, the way we socialize. This program allows you to do everything you need to do in one convenient location. I can keep my calendar online, view everyone else's calendars, check new RSS blog feeds, syncronize the calendar with my brand new Palm TX (which arrived today!), post snippets of my calendar on my BLOG (aren't you excited??), plus I can view all of Timoni's flickr photos RIGHT ON THE PAGE!! It's absolutely brilliant. I can't think of anything that could have made me more happy today than finding out about 30 Boxes. You should join. And if you do, be sure to add me as a buddy!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Word of the Day: Panacea

panacea \pan-uh-SEE-uh\, noun:
A remedy for all diseases, problems, or evils; a universal medicine; a cure-all.

I am happy to report that I have found a panacea for the disorganizational mess I sometimes refer to as my life. It's called a PDA, better known as the Palm TX. I have been scouring websites, reading reviews and asking friends for recommendations for approximately 4 months now, in search of the perfect PDA, one that would not only organize my exceptionally busy schedule, but would also act as a second brain -- one with a larger memory chip, a speedier processor and more hard drive space than the original. But I also needed something that would indicate, with no extra effort on my part, that something of importance was about to occur so I could quickly recall what that something was and still make it there on time. I believe I have found just the right one. If it crashes or refuses to turn on one day I'll know I expected too much.

I'm also in the market for a heating device of some sort - preferably in the form of a male - that will make sleeping (seriously just sleeping) a more enjoyable activity. If you haven't noticed, the &@#^$ groundhog was right and we're in for more cold weather. 30 degrees outside means I wake up every hour every night freezing to death, despite the socks and sweatpants I am already forced to wear, and in spite of the three blankets that are heaped on my bed. I realize that a husband would work best in this role, but since finding one of those is a feat second in complexity only to standing in a pit of fire without bursting into flames, I'll settle for any man who has an internal heater set to a temperature far exceeding my own. And it would help if he was also insanely attractive, but I don't want to ask too much.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Word of the Day: Gadabout

gadabout \GAD-uh-bout\, noun:
Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.

Last night was the most incredible party ever held in the entire history of Frontline. We put on a Super Bowl party of epic proportions and everyone stayed until the very end, which was awesome, considering over 800 people showed up. EIGHT Hundred! We planned for 300. Despite the increase in numbers, we put on the best party of the year and I am very proud.

Not secondarily, Kim won $200 yesterday on the game. I was so convinced she would win that I went ahead and booked a trip to Las Vegas so I could personally see to the collection and safe return of her money. Yay for Vegas!! Yay for the Steelers winning the Super Bowl. Yay for Monday and happy hour.

Today is just a good day.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Word of the Day: Ostentatious

adj 1: intended to attract notice and impress others

What makes people say things that they know will annoy others? For instance, why would someone, when referring to the piece of art known as an "ad", use the word "creative" instead? Creative -- as a NOUN.

I can see if you're part of the advertising world -- you work at Google, for instance -- you would want to assimilate by using industry buzz words. In the government, we throw out acronyms like nothing else. We don't, however, refer to ads as creative. So if you work here, please stop doing that!

Saw Damn Yankees at Arena Stage last night with Todd. We were both convinced that Karen Hughes was in that play. She must moonlight. And those poor boys. Since when was it acceptable for grown men to dance around like ballarinas on the stage? The play was fantastic, the costumes perfect, as usual, but I'm sorry, the male choreograghy was downright embarrassing.

Following my very busy week, I am fully prepared to camp out on the couch tonight with popcorn and a season of The Office. Glorious.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Word of the Day: Groundhog


Phil's official forecast as read 2/2/06 at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob:
It's my shadow I see. Six more weeks of mild winter there will be.

n : reddish brown North American marmot

Okay, but what the heck is a marmot?
Any of various stocky, coarse-furred, burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota, having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
Here are some facts about Punxsutawny Phil that you've always wanted to know:
On February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club president in "Groundhogese"(a language only understood by the current president of the Inner Circle). His proclamation is then translated for the world.
Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking "groundhog punch," a secret recipe. Phil takes one sip every summer at the Groundhog Picnic and it magically gives him seven more years of life.