Monday, February 13, 2006

Word of the Day: Milieu

milieu \meel-YUH; meel-YOO\, noun;
plural milieus or milieux \-(z)\:
Environment; setting.

Why do I take the red-eye? Everytime I book a ticket somewhere I get lured in by the prospect of spending a whole extra day there and inevitable fall victim to the red-eye. Every time I plan to head straight to work upon arrival, and every time I land at 8:30am after three full minutes of sleep I reprimand myself for being so foolish. This trip, I decided to self-medicate so I would sleep for the full three hour flight to Chicago. I popped two tylenol pm (also necessary to ease the pain in the pair of 80-year-old legs I seem to have grown into) and got on the plane. Little did I know, this would be the one flight in all my 9000 flights that the person next to me would want to have a lengthy discussion about Iraq. Yes, apparently our government is not funding the war in Iraq and that is why everything is going awry. Do you know that if we would stop funding programs that give aid to hurricane Katrina victims there would be more than enough money to win this war? Those people in Louisiana want the government to give them housing for FREE. Jobs for FREE. I am sorry, folks, but this is not charity. You have to work for things here. Now let's take that money we're throwing away down there and send it to the troops!* For forty whole minutes of my precious tylenol-enhanced sleeping time, she rattled on about the war and Saddam Hussein's horrible trial demeanor. Here is a short snippet of what I recall from the speech:
"We marched into Fallujah with plenty of men and armor. We had surrounded the city for weeks, so of course we were prepared to blow the city to hell when we finally did. But the one mistake we made was that we left behind huge caches of guns along the way to the city, and you know what... they used those weapons against us!"
Is that right? So you yourself marched through Fallujah? Wow. Incredible. I didn't know they allowed 60-year-old ladies into the Army.

When I got off the plane I was in a bit of a delirium. Those pills don't wear off when you need them too. No, it hung on well into the flight to DC and if I'd been driving home from Dulles instead of the bus driver, we'd all be dead right now. Powerful little devils.

I was away this weekend while all that snow was blanketing the DC area. Eight inches here in the area. It's 20 degrees today. Brr. Meanwhile, I was basking in the sunshine and 65 degree weather all weekend. Not a bad trade-off. And just what did I do all weekend? Well I was by myself for most of the day Saturday so I took the opportunity to do some geocaching (if you don't know what it is, look it up). I wandered along aimlessly not knowing where to find any of these things and found myself conveniently located in the exact spot where there was a webcam. That's me in the pink shirt at the top of the center set of stairs.


* The views and opinions of crazy woman on plane do not necessarily reflect my own

1 comment:

timoni said...

That lady sounds completely terrible. I know you're not supposed to be rude to little old ladies, but that would've been one situation where you have justifiable cause to be rude. ESPECIALLY when you're extremely tired.

The photo of bright and sunny Vegas looks de-lish. Awesome you spent the weekend there. :)