Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Word of the Day: Solatium

solatium • \so-LAY-shee-um\ • noun
: a compensation (as money) given as solace for suffering, loss, or injured feelings

A Larry King Christmas? I can't imagine what that entails, nor do I want to. How sad that my best friend was spending the day watching tv while I was opening gifts and dressing the Christmas table and eating mass quantities of deliciously home-prepared foods. As compensation, or solatium, I'm offering you, Michelle, another full week as guest blogger of the Word Repository! Oh I know you're excited.

Today I felt even worse for stealing Christmas from Michelle after our boss vetoed her request for Friday off based on the fact that the office was not covered due to me leaving early for Germany. I owe you Michelle. Big. I'll bring you back some beer. And you can have the comfy chair when I die.

The best gift I got this Christmas was a big fat cold wrapped up in a pretty bow compliments of my entire family. See, that's my kind of sarcasm. It isn't going to be funny anymore if it doesn't go away in the next day and a half. I Can Not go to Germany with a freaking cold.


Anonymous said...

Don't bother bringing me back beer, we have plenty of it to drink in the office. Which is where I will be. As always.

timoni said...

Wait, Michelle, is that "sarcasm," word of the day last week?