Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Word of the Day: Pukka

puk·ka also puck·a
Genuine; authentic.
Superior; first-class

I allowed three days to lapse before posting to my blog to see how many comments I would get from regular readers complaining about the lack of fresh content. At least three people suggested words I could use if I, for some devastating reason, ran out of ideas! =gasp= Rest assured, I have not and will never run out of content. But thank you for your submissions. They are being considered by our staff of volunteers.

Today's word comes from a headphone review that Timoni was reading online. Michelle defines it in the following sentence: "Michelle and Timoni are pukka friends." And I have to add that Michelle and Timoni are my pukka friends too.

This weekend we had an amazing Christmas Party with about 60 people at Marianne's house. Was that the best party ever or what? The girls all made insanely good food, Timoni provided wonderful christmas tunes and everyone mingled! It was a fabulous 6.5 hour party. Good job girls! You're all my pukka friends too. I love you guys! We have to do that again soon.


timoni said...

I read "pukka" and I giggle. Ergo, I was just giggling a lot.

Anonymous said...

If you're running out of content for this blog why don't you let me cohost again? I promise to behave!