Sunday, December 18, 2005

Word of the Day: Delectation

delectation \dee-lek-TAY-shun\, noun:
Great pleasure; delight, enjoyment.

Yesterday I went to see my favorite musical of all times, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. Kim and I went downtown, took a nice stroll in the chilly winter air to dinner at Kanlaya (my new favorite Thai place in Chinatown) and then headed over to National Theatre for what they claim is the final D.C. engagement. Are they trying to hurt me? I went to Les Mis last time it was in town in 2003 and, though it was slightly superior to last night's performance, I am never disappointed to hear Jean Valjean sing Castle on a Cloud or Eponine's A Little Fall of Rain. I was and continue to be mesmerized by the music every time I see it. Note: The book is also incredible in case you haven't read it.

I'm very excited for the next few weeks. I worked most of the day today, but still feel as if it's the calm before the storm. Tomorrow night is the long awaited ATM Happy Hour Non-Holiday Holiday Party. We've been doing happy hour for 33 weeks now, every Monday at RFD. Tomorrow shall be great fun. Tuesday I leave for Oregon for Christmas. I'll be home for a week and my nephew has already planned my whole week, including sledding, watching Scooby Doo and playing on the blow up helicopter (okay I added that part myself). When I return, I'm only home for three days before going to Germany for New Years to see Chris. By the time I get back here, I'll have blissfully forgotten how mundane and tedious my life has become -- right! Ha.

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