Monday, February 18, 2008

Word of the Day: Ineluctable

ineluctable \in-ih-LUCK-tuh-buhl\, adjective:Impossible to avoid or evade; inevitable.

Somehow, thanks to the inevitable passage of time, here it is, one day short of one year since I left for Egypt. I wouldn't have remembered except for the fact that I left the counter up on my blog. 364 days ago I left for Egypt.

Almost as much time has passed since I stopped writing new entries to the blog in order to finish writing my book. In my last post, I mentioned something about procrastination and how if I didn't just get going on it I'd still be writing it a year later. Well, that wasn't far from the truth, even without the blog to distract me. It's been a long, hard road with this one, because I get wild ideas that drastically change the course of the book and I indulge myself and give in to the whim. Every major idea I change leads inevitably to another month or two of editing and fixing. And that brings me to this very moment. No, I haven't finished the book, but I have begun to feel guiltly about the stagnant state of this blog. So I am returning to the blogging world, and will be using the word of the day to describe the process of marketing my book, now that it's about 95% complete and inevitably on its way to a much more arduous state than being written. It now has to withstand the rejection and scorn of so many agents and editors who will no doubt hate it, wonder what sort of idiot spent two years writing it, and reject the hell out of it.

Bring it on!

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