Sunday, July 31, 2005

Word of the Day: Wine

Wine is such a wonderful thing. Especially in large quantities, as was the case at the wine tasting party I hosted tonight with three friends. One of those friends, Finity, is leaving for Texas in a week and a half and that makes me very sad.

There were about 25 people there. Two of which were my new friends Ashley and Steve. I met them at a cabin party two weeks ago and knew instantly that they would fit in very well with my friends. They are two very cool people. I'm happy they were there.

The funniest part of the night was that the wine master's friend kept breaking the lock on the bathroom door with a pen because a friend of ours drank too much and kept locking herself in the bathroom. I personally would have been hugely upset if I'd locked myself in for whatever reason I deemed necessary and someone kept breaking the lock. But to me it was so funny. "She's locked the door again." "I'll take care of it."

At the end of the night, the damage report is this: 14 bottles drank; 6 bottles unopened; 8 bottles half to less-than-half empty.

1 comment:

timoni said...

We took two half-opened bottles home, so add that to the list.

Ashley was indeed very cool. And how did I miss that whole bathroom fiasco?