Thursday, July 28, 2005

Word of the Day: Fraud

I find it appropriate to begin this blog with the topic that seems to sum up my life. Since I've titled my blog The Word Repository, I think it befitting to disect a particular (or peculiar) word in each post. So I will begin with the word: Fraud

1 a : DECEIT, TRICKERY; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK 2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTOR; also : one who defrauds : CHEAT b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be synonym see DECEPTION, IMPOSTURE

I don't necessarily think of myself as an impostor, but I do classify myself as a fraud in accordance with b)., though not the "deceiving" part because that sounds illegitimate (which isn't the case). However, I feel like a certifiable fraud in at least 78% of my life, which should be taken to mean the part that I have sold to others (i.e., my J.O.B.).

I work for the government, which in itself is fraudulant because I'm a contractor whom the government can fire at any given moment. At said government position, I am a web editor, which also is a fraud because I don't actually edit anything. A coworker once elloquently stated that we indeed are not editors at all, but should hold the title "Chief Copy and Paster". You see where this is going.

The only thing I've ever "wanted" to do is write books, so being a copy and paster isn't exactly my dream job. I feel I am misrepresenting myself and my ambitions by leading these folks to believe that I am happy posting their useless information on a website I would never view myself if given the freedom to browse any site I desired. I am a very good employee. I do my job very well. I pretend to love the job. And that is what makes me a fraud.

1 comment:

timoni said...

At said government position, I am a web editor, which also is a fraud because I don't actually edit anything.

This is true. It is a curious state of affairs.

I think something's in the water lately. Even Karl, who is not one for introspection, said last night, "Do you ever look forward to your day off, then realize you'll just be going to work the next day, and the next, and you're working towards...what? Retirement? Something more fun to do? I don't know."

Then he apologized for being depressing, and I was like, "These are my lunchtime conversations." Heh.