Sunday, November 06, 2005

Word of the Weekend: Jocund

jocund \JOCK-und; JOE-kund\, adjective:
Full of or expressing high-spirited merriment; light-hearted; pleasant, cheering, delightful.

This weekend we had the best weather. It was 75-80 degrees both Saturday and Sunday. Michelle took me out to lunch on Saturday to celebrate my 28th birthday. Afterwards we went apartment hunting. I will be listing my condo hopefully this week. If anyone's looking for a place, have I got a deal for you! Kidding. I would never buy this place today due to the exorbatant price. Good for me, bad for buyers. When God's on your side, even this seems small. I found an awesome apartment though. It's in Clarendon and, um, they have a movie theater. And jacuzzi tubs in the bathroom. I'm so there. Anyone want to help me move?

So Saturday was my birthday. A few key people forgot. Kim and I were discussing how sometimes it sucks to be the person who remembers everything. I never forget a birthday. Call me gifted, or cursed. Because I remember, I expect others to remember and in all fairness, well, that's just not fair of me to expect. Anyone who forgot, it's okay I forgive you, just don't forget next year. ;) Here's my horoscope, which clearly means nothing, but is fun to read anyway:

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The planets seem to sprinkle your day with dreams of greatness -- it's OK to believe them! Thinking with even 10 percent more optimism will attract new and helpful people into your realm.

(Michelle, I think this means we have to instate "positive Monday" just for good measure.)

Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday night. I need a do-over! You guys are the best!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Yes, I'm one of those thinkers-without-letting-you-know. I didn't forget! (just for the record ;)