Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Word of the Day: Thankful

thank·ful (adj.)
Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful.
Expressive of gratitude

I went to a bible study last weekend and the speaker asked us all to say the ONE thing that we are thankful for this year. I quickly scanned the list running through my head for the most appropriate answer, while staring quizzically at the man who suggested there might be only ONE thing in a year for which to be thankful. I have a list. One way too long to express here (although I am going to be cheesy and list a few), but the most important reason for me writing this entry is to let everyone who reads this blog (my parents, my sister, my friends) know that I'm especially thankful for you. I am not me without you.

My (shortened) list:

I am thankful for my nephew who is five years old and leaves me voice messages where all I can hear is his breathing. It makes me incredibly happy to know that he called just because he loves me in an unconditional way that only a child possesses.
I am thankful that I have a God who is infinitely good to me. Who enables me to buy a house, to take a trip to Israel and meet incredible people, to support myself, to just be me and to continually be amazed by what he gives me.
I am thankful for health and passion and integrity and honesty.

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