The state of being bright and radiant; splendor; brilliance.
Wow. So I'm back from Israel. Not so happy to be back, but back all the same. I almost stayed in Israel to live in a kibbutz and work for their socialist/zionist community. How hard would it be to give up your whole life in the U.S. to move to Israel to live commune-style? I think it would be a very interesting experience. Who's going with me?
Kudos to Michelle for holding down the fort while I was gone. Didn't she do a great job? I told you you'd like her! Mini-me. Hahah.
Here's a link to my Kodak Gallery in case you haven't seen the photos yet. I have to recommend Israel as a destination of choice for your next vacation. What an amazing trip. I'm practically glowing (hence: effulgence). I've never felt better. I mean, how rare is it to feel completely content and happy in a moment?
Here are a few token photos from the gallery. More are available on Kodak.
Me and my trusty camel
Kim and me overlooking the Sea of Galilee on our first day
1 comment:
Of course I would. I'm not the type of person who says things and doesn't mean them. My only trouble would be getting a visa. Now is when being Jewish would really come in handy.
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