Thursday, November 17, 2005

Word of the Day: Alleviate

alleviate • \uh-LEE-vee-ayt\ • verb
: relieve, lessen: as *a : to make (as suffering) more bearable b : to partially remove or correct

I love this story because this sort of thing only happens in an Iraqi courtroom...

Court Workers Attack Saddam, Iraq TV Reports

BAGHDAD, Iraq (Nov. 17) - Two court employees attacked Saddam Hussein and punched him several times after he cursed two Shiite Islam saints, state-run Iraqi television reported Wednesday.
How horrible would it be to live a life for which you are despised. How do you live with yourself? I'd say if the guy didn't have more pride than he knows what to do with he'd be a prime suicide candidate.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love teleworking? I'm currently hanging out on my couch with my laptop, the thermostat turned to exactly where I want it, no annoying coworkers (sorry guys). Plus my music sounds much nicer over the speakers than those stupid headphones.

Okay...back to work.

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