Extremely cold; frigid.
The day began with a below-freezing and solitary walk to work. Where are all the people? Why am I the only one going to work on this post-Thanksgiving day? Oh I just answered my own question. Everyone else is out enjoying the fruits of a much deserved day off while I attend meetings where the only words spoken are "nothing from me today". So why are we all here? If the writers have nothing to write, then I have nothing to put on the webpage. I'd rather be at home folding laundry (one of my least favorite activities).
With what I felt was a fairly positive attitude, given the circumstances, I sat down at my desk and dutifully clicked around the website looking for stuff to do. Before long, I realized my fingers were going numb, one-by-one. Exactly how cold is it in here? Ali's trusty thermometer would not lie, would it? It can't actually be 68 degrees. They wouldn't do that to us...would they?
Dressed in our arctic gear: hats, scarfs, mittens and earmuffs...we triumphantly made it though the day. Hey at least we aren't blanketed in snow like some people in upstate New York. ;)
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