Monday, November 21, 2005

Word of the Day: Rara Avis

rara avis \RARE-uh-AY-vis\, noun
A rare or unique person or thing.

This story about the poor Dead Sea drying up is nothing new. In fact, it's indelibly recycled. And of course that's because it's an interesting story. I think everyone should have the chance to float in the Dead Sea before the whole thing dries up because it's the most unique thing you'll ever experience (coming from someone who went skydiving and floated in the dead sea in the same month). Watch the Video on ABC News.

Hidden in the world's deepest valley and protected by majestic desert mountains, the Dead Sea is one important feature in a land of mysteries, miracles and biblical legends that we must see before it's too late.
On a totally unrelated topic, I'm currently writing a story about three chickens and a picnic table. Is it beyond reasonable suspension of disbelief to imagine someone would roast a chicken with the feathers still on? I've written one short story and this is my second, that I will enter into the short short contest with Writer's Digest. I keep telling a certain person who is probably reading this blog that he must enter the contest as well, but he has yet to produce a story. Clock, ticking...

So my heartrate has been racing for two days now. Racing. Like 110 beats per minute after sitting at my desk for 8 hours straight doing nothing but typing. It's not worrying me (like call the doctor, I'm having a heart attack) but it's definitely bothering me. It's annoying to feel this wound up for hours on end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

global warming'