Monday, May 05, 2008

Query Letter Land

It's too bad that magic isn't real, because I could use some about now. Writing a query letter is one of the most daunting tasks I've taken on since sewing an entire crib set for my sister's first baby. My main problem is not that I can't boil down 80,000 words into one paragraph. It's more that I can't decide which of the 90 one paragraph descriptions is the best representation of my novel.

Here are some of the most useful links I found while putting off the real work:

Tricks of the Trade, Writing the Dreaded Synopsis by Lisa Gardner (one of my favs!)
How to Write a Synopsis by Andrew Jameson (this one requires a password from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously your situation is much tougher than having to summarize an entire electronic journal in 75 characters or less. But I think I understand your pain a little!