Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hawaii: The runon sentence

Consider this notice of the fact that I will not be around to update the blog beginning Saturday morning and continuing through the following Sunday due to the fact that I will be vacationing in the sun on the white sandy beaches of Hawaii for an entire week, completely and utterly devoid of a schedule or any other form of mundane and useless work and I won't feel bad about it at all, not even a little bit, not even when I think of you back here working at your desk hour after hour, bored out of your mind, wishing you could be on the white sandy beaches of Hawaii when instead you have ample time to update your own blog and probably no remaining vacation days because you already wasted them on useless "pretend sick days" and therefore can't leave your little comfortable desk chair for approximately nine more months while you earn what few days you can in order to take just half a week's vacation, which you'll probably spend doing something like moving to a new apartment, which might as well be work anyway, and I probably won't bring you back anything from Hawaii either because I'm too poor now that I took a week off and paid for the airfare and the hotel, so don't expect any big jars of macadamia nuts or Kona Coffee because if I give you anything al all it'll probably be a really big picture of me vacationing in the sun on the white sandy beaches of Hawaii without you.



timoni said...

I appreciate that you wrote an entire blog entry just for me, but (a) I already said I don't like macadamia nuts anyway; and (b) I still have sick leave, which will (as you so aptly wrote) will be used moving into an apartment.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I don't wear a tie at work, otherwise I'd just attach it to a beam in the false ceiling and kick the chair out from under me right now. But since I don't, I'll be sure to check the blog again 10 days from now to see how you like being back at work. Funny how time never stands still. :) setting outlook reminder right now....

Anonymous said...

What? You're not going to take a Blackberry or some other electronic gadget with you to update your blog from Hawaii via text-messaging? What will we do for the next week when things are slow? Ah well, you'd probably get sand in the gadget anyway .... Have a fantastic time!