Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.
I am so excited! Tonight the coolest thing happened. I was at church with Cassie and just before the service was done, out comes Mercy Me, one of my favorite Christian bands. Now for those of you who know me, you are well aware that I listen to more Christian music than secular and though I can tell you all about Jack Johnson and O.A.R., I can, and probably will, recite all the words to every Switchfoot song, and I can tell you the names of all the tracks to every Jars of Clay song ever written (on seven albums, which I can also name and date). Mercy Me has been a favorite of mine for five years when I first hear their song I Can Only Imagine. So when they show up unannounced at church, YOU can only imagine my excitement.
Apparently they were just "stopping by" on their way to the airport for a flight to New York. They are promoting their new album Coming Up to Breathe, which isn't out in stores until Tuesday. But lucky us, they were selling copies for $5!!! And not only that, but after we picked up our $5 CDs the entire band was standing RIGHT THERE with pens and they all signed our CDs. Now I not only have the CD before it's even in stores for 1/3 of the price, it's just become priceless. Mercy Me can stopping looking -- they've just met their biggest fan.
Mercy Me!!!!! Wow!!! When can I see and listen????
That's so awesome! Seriously, meeting bands is the coolest thing AND you got a really cheap CD AND it's signed! Next time, I want photos *with* the band. ;)
That's so great, L!!
I actually have a connection with them, so maybe next time they're in town I can get you a hook up? Maybe we can have dinner with them or something :) They're really tight with our youth pastors. They grew up together in FL, and they used to play the music at our youth retreats (back in, like, '95, before anyone would let them play shows. Haha).
And at one point there were rumors of Bart being best man at Carl & Drea's wedding. Apparently he got tied up on tour though... or so the rumors go...
But anyway, I have some hilarious photos of Bart making silly faces on those retreats. I should totally sell them on e-bay now or something (Or else I could blackmail Carl with them, because he has long hair, like Tarzan.)^_^
But YES. I'm serious. If they come back for a show sometime I'll try to get you an invite to hang out with them or something.
I am so pumped! Mercy Me is going to be performing a concert at my church tomorrow night! :D
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