Monday, April 10, 2006

Word of the Day: Squalor

squal·or ( P ) Pronunciation Key
A filthy and wretched condition or quality.

I'm living in squalor.

The office refrigerator problem just became so much worse. On friday we were instructed to clean all perishable food out of the refrigerator because the power would be out all weekend. Fine. Some benevolent soul from the other office that uses or fridge cleaned it out and put all the old food in plastic bags and placed them near the door of the kitchen. It's just that he forgot one small detail. It was after 2pm, so the cleaning crew had already come for the day. And there is no cleaning crew over the weekend.

(Fast forward to Monday morning)

What is that smell? Ew. Is that the garbage from the refrigerator? All sitting there in neat little plastic bags, exactly where they were left on Friday? I wonder how many mice and cockroaches feasted on old leftovers over the weekend? You'd think an office full of people who were terrorized recently by a never-ending mouse problem would be a little more careful not to leave food laying out all weekend.

Anyone for some warm yogurt?

1 comment:

timoni said...

Mmmmm, warm yogurt. < gag >

I am just appalled at whoever our building management is. I know, I know, there's definitely a "do-it-yourself" feel to government buildings that I have never seen at any commercial company, but even so, if the electricity is going to be turned off, Plans Need to be Made By Those In Charge.