Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Word of the Day: bete noire

bete noire \bet-NWAHR\:
Something or someone particularly detested or avoided.

So I'm sitting here at my desk, quietly working like a good employee and all I can hear is the annoying chatter of my coworkers, approximately 15 feet behind me.

CW1: "She's purposely going to defy you if you keep telling her what not to do."
CW2: "She's not going to go off doing her own thing because if she does then I'll just turn it off." (Speaking of a cell phone he recently purchased for his girlfriend)
CW1: "She is going to text message MORE because you tell her not to."
CW2: "Well I bought her the plan so she can't do that. She has to do what I say. Besides, it's like a monkey learning to eat bananas. Why does she need to text? It's a primitive form of communication. You have a phone. Use it -- to speak not type."
CW3: (Joining the conversation because she's aggrivated at the interruption to her own work) "I don't know why you guys are having this conversation. It's apples and oranges. If she wants to text, just let her."
Me via email to CW4 and CW5: "seriously, we're having a whole discussion very silently to ourselves, not bothering anyone. why can't they use email like us?"
CW4 via email to me and CW5: "because they lack all sense of tact and professional courtesy"
CW5 via email to me and CW4: "Oddly, I can't even hear her now. Clearly you guys need me to make you mix CDs."
Meanwhile, a distant coworker whistles loudly.

Why has it come to this? Why should I have to wear headphones at a very loud decibal in order to drown out the personal issues of my coworkers? And who the heck cares if a person chooses to text message instead of call? I personally love text messaging. If you don't want her to do it, then don't freaking buy her a cell phone.

Done. I just solved the world's problems.


Laura said...

Don't get me started about that black hole we call a refrigerator....

Anonymous said...

Um, #1--that's disgusting.

#2--he's referring to his girlfriend as a monkey learning to eat bananas?! Are you Freaking kidding me?!

#3--I know who CW5 is!! haha.

timoni said...

Yeah, what the heck does he have against text messages? Unless he has a really bad texting program, they're not that big a deal either way. Sometimes you just can't be bothered to call and do all the "hi how are you" bits.

Anonymous said...

I think you 5th floor folks have way too much fun. (I mean that in a jealous way.)