Saturday, February 18, 2006

Word of the Day: Melange

mé·lange also me·lange:
A mixture

Let me just say that Seafarers of Catan is the best game ever made. The usual cast of characters assembled for a rowdy game on Friday night. Fitting, or rather, stuffing, six people into such a small space as my condo is definitely a challenge but at the least it was cozy and conducive to trading. ("Corner of the market on the yellow card!")

Friday we took a field trip to the White House for a tour (thank you Lindsey!). Not exactly what I expected. I once waited in line at 6am outside the White House on a visit to DC before sadly being turned away. That was prior to 9/11. And now they only let in school groups. So under cover of La Cruz High School, Michelle, Timoni and I disappointed ourselves with a tour. There's nothing to see there folks. It's just a bunch of old furniture. Seriously, Mt. Vernon was enough. The best part was when a teenage boy asked who a painting was of in the Great Room and the guard replied with a straight face, "That's our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln."

And... that brings us to Saturday. The frigid temperature didn't keep us away from Chief Ike's where my favorite band TRIP LIZARD was playing. Thanks to Trip Lizard, my car now smells like yogurt sauce and onions. What we think happened was that Tofu Todd did something to make Kim squeeze her falafel and the contents were forced to seek asylum on the floor. At any rate, the health inspector would never approve my car as a safe place to eat or breathe.

Thank God for Holidays.

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