Friday, February 03, 2006

Word of the Day: Ostentatious

adj 1: intended to attract notice and impress others

What makes people say things that they know will annoy others? For instance, why would someone, when referring to the piece of art known as an "ad", use the word "creative" instead? Creative -- as a NOUN.

I can see if you're part of the advertising world -- you work at Google, for instance -- you would want to assimilate by using industry buzz words. In the government, we throw out acronyms like nothing else. We don't, however, refer to ads as creative. So if you work here, please stop doing that!

Saw Damn Yankees at Arena Stage last night with Todd. We were both convinced that Karen Hughes was in that play. She must moonlight. And those poor boys. Since when was it acceptable for grown men to dance around like ballarinas on the stage? The play was fantastic, the costumes perfect, as usual, but I'm sorry, the male choreograghy was downright embarrassing.

Following my very busy week, I am fully prepared to camp out on the couch tonight with popcorn and a season of The Office. Glorious.

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