Friday, December 16, 2005

Word of the Day: Cheer

Lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety or joy: a happy tune, full of cheer.
A source of joy or happiness; a comfort.
A shout of approval, encouragement, or congratulation.
A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.
Festive food and drink; refreshment.

Cheer this time of year is usually meant to describe the sence of happiness that surrounds the holiday season. We're rapidly approaching the close of the Holiday season as Christmas is a mere 9 days away. What better way to spend the last day of the last week before Christmas than at an OFFICE HOLIDAY PARTY! Part II.

The holiday party started off with a boom instead of a bang. The photo on my front page broke at exactly 11:53am, forcing me to stay at my desk until it was fixed, which didn't occur until 1:16pm, at which time all the food at the party was G - O -N - E. Let's do the math (disclaimer: I suck at math). There are 50 people signed up for the party. 50 dishes should be provided by those 50 people. If, say 20 of those 50 decided to pay instead of bring, then there should be 30 dishes and $100 with which to buy food. It would be a stretch to say there were 50 dishes, much less 30 dishes, and certainly $100 was not spent on extra food or I wouldn't have found nothing to eat at 1:16pm.

And then the karaoke started. I can't think of one good thing to say about that and I was taught that if I have nothing nice to say, say nothing.


Laura said...

You triply suck for not even knowing what floor I work on.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I'm currently being held hostage in the WH basement waiting for the f--king pointless radio address to be released so I can top it and finally go to this party I've invited you folks to.


Laura said...

I have an away message that reads "If 'they' ask, tell them I'm unavailable." Who is 'they' anyway? YOu have a better chance of figuring out the meaning of life.