Friday, December 09, 2005

Word of the Day: Longevity

(a) Long life; great duration of life (b) Length or duration of life (c) Long duration or continuance, as in an occupation

Today a new record was given by the Guinness Book of World Records to the oldest living human being, a 116-year-old woman from Equador. Some notable facts: she was born in 1889 and had five children. Her husband died in 1949. That must be a distant memory by now. Wow.

When asked what she thought of the changes in the world between then and now: "She said she disliked the fact that presently it's acceptable for women to pursue men. And she said that every day she thanks God that she's alive," White said.

Another woman who lived to be 113 said she attributed her longevity to a daily dose of brandy and dry ginger ale. Well, if that's what it takes... I'm just not sure I'd want to live to that age. Imagine all the people in your life you've seen go ahead of you. Even your own children could all be gone before you are. Better hope you have a good extended family! My sister promised to take care of me when I get old. I hope she knows I plan to collect on that promise.

The second part of this blog entry is about the other meaning of longevity -- to continuation, as in a career. When is it time to throw in the towel and find something else that makes you happy? Is it when the last straw is pulled or do you have to decide when to cut your losses, even when it's not as bad as it might someday be if you stay? I figure for me that day will be as soon as Michelle gets her cushy government job and moves to the 4th floor. I won't be able to function without her attached to my hip. One day I just won't show up to work anymore. I'll have lost my will to work.

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