Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Word of the Day: Lionize

lionize \LY-uh-nyz\, transitive verb:
To treat or regard as an object of great interest or importance.

The Annual Office Christmas Party, Part 1:

No other experience is quite like the annual office christmas party. Every year, planning and preparation complete, we gather in a cold, bland room of this building to share food and gifts with the other caged animals on our team. And each year the experience is a little more disturbing than the last.

This year's celebration followed a week of rearranging our cubes, yet again, to make room for new members of our team that have been relegated to all corners of the building because we had no where to put them. Our once spacious prison is now little more than a maze of mouse holes. But we don't mind. We love being packed in like little sardines in a tin can. Crank up the air conditioning -- it's a steamy 70 degrees in here!

If you've ever played dirty santa before, you know that getting a low number is not a good thing -- particular a single digit number, especially a low single digit number, like say, 2. That's what I got. After my boss, as #1, picked a lovely mug as her gift, I unwrapped a gift I've always wanted but never bought for myself: a wine bottle opener (the really fancy nice kind!). I prompty hid the gift under my chair and instructed my coworkers not to mess with #2. Ali, as #3, defiantly marched over and stole my wine opener. So I opened a nice Starbucks mug and gift card and tried to hide that one as well, but it was also stolen. The only good thing about the party was that there is leftovers for lunch today! Isn't it fabulous that we're so willing to steal a gift from our coworkers, gratuitously securing the best possible gift for ourselves. And we are supposed to be promoting peace and diplomacy. What a crock. ;)

Stay tuned for Part 2: All Team Holiday Party w/ Special Guest (band previously heard practicing in a recent blog entry)


Laura said...

For clarification: The wine opener is this big fancy contraption. It has a lever that you pull, sending the corkscrew into the cork, then when you pull back up on the lever, the cork pops out. It's the most amazing gadget I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Good news - I don't think the band is playing on Friday. Well, good news for me, anyway, since I have an iron-clad alibi to not be there.

Bad news - instead of the band, there may be karoke. Well, that could be amusing in some cases.

Laura said...

OH THERE IS A GOD! I've finally found proof for you unbelievers!