Sunday, August 28, 2005

Word of the Day: Concupiscent (Revised)

[Editor's note: Not surprisingly, I chose the wrong word (I mentioned below that this might happen) but I have now fixed the error.]

See, there. I posted the word like I said I would (although I'm not positive this is the actual word because I didn't write it down). And I'm not posting the meaning. If you're curious, you'll look it up. My last post asked the question, if you do something and no one knows about it, did it ever really happen? This post is a good test case. Only one other person in the world knows why I posted that word.

So we went out last night for Timoni's birthday and got into a rather interesting conversation with two guys at the bar regarding this article:

PLAYGIRL Survey Reveals the Sexiest Man Alive Is Not Who You Think
Tuesday August 16, 8:00 am ET
Mag Will Run Future Pictorial of Who Most Resembles Results

NEW YORK, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Women may dream of canoodling with Hollywood's hottest hunks, but when it comes to the ultimate hook-up, they've got very different ideas. According to a PLAYGIRL Magazine survey of 2,000 readers, most women would ditch the movie-star good looks in favor of the nice guy next door:

-- While 58% favored a slightly muscular build, 42% said they found love
handles kind of sexy
-- Chest hair is a turn-off according to 51 %, but 47% said just a little
is fine with them
-- Metrosexuals are definitely out, and rough around the edges rule the
day (73%)
-- There was a near-split between those who liked their men just a little
bit country (52%) and a little bit rock and roll (48%)
-- Big bucks are unimportant; only 4% responded that money mattered in
the long run

(Logo: )

Why would anyone say they find love handles "kind of sexy"? I don't understand this logic. Love handles are something you live with because you must, not because you enjoy it, not unlike the fact that guys don't "like" cellulite, but hey, most girls have it or will have it. You live with it. Speaking of "metrosexuals are definitely out", someone should tell that to the guy I work with who has suspiciously well-formed eye brows and uses half a year's supply of hair gel every day.

I went canoeing on the Potomac in Georgetown with my friend Dawn today for her birthday and had a fabulous time. I can't help but wonder why no one else was out there today. It was gorgeous weather and yet there were no other boats on the water (with exception of two kayakers and a rower. Where was everybody? Are we as a society too lazy to get off the couch on Sunday and enjoy the outdoors? I think Dawn is the only person in the world who enjoys the same activities I do. I often find myself wondering why I get so excited about activities that other people my age would never consider participating in. Like for instance the Great Gatsby lawn party I attended last month. I was the youngest by about 40 years. And I had a great time. So all you losers are missing out! ha.

Okay, I'm exhausted from getting home at 4am last night so I'm gonna go take a nap now. ;)


timoni said...

Mmmm... I don't know what I'm thinking about that Playgirl survey.

While 58% favored a slightly muscular build, 42% said they found love handles kind of sexy

What is "slightly" and what is "kind of"? Were the questions really:

(1) Do you favor a slightly muscular build?
(2) Do you find love handles kind of sexy?

But, as I said, I'm all in favor of love handles.

timoni said...

I think Dawn is the only person in the world who enjoys the same activities I do. I often find myself wondering why I get so excited about activities that other people my age would never consider participating in.

I know what you mean, especially when I go to book readings or galleries. Nobody else is under forty.

But I can't imagine enjoying watching football EVERY NIGHT, or going to Mr. Day's and having a good time, or happily watching reality television, so obviously there's just a divide between what I enjoy and what most people enjoy, someplace.