dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.
I'm leaving town tomorrow, heading to Oregon for my 10-year high school reuinion. This subject begs to be discussed in more detail than I have time for. My dilatory nature has left me with less time to prepare for this event than I had originally hoped for. I've obviously known the event was approaching -- for 10 YEARS now I've had warning. Yet here it is, two days to the event and I still don't know what to wear. I haven't painted my toenails in over a month and I didn't even bother to assure that I looked fabulous for the reuinion, which is really the whole point of such an event anyway.
The only reason(s) I'm going is 1.) My cousin is planning the event and she would disown me if I didn't; 2.) I get to see my parents, sister, neice and nephew, cousin and baby and aunt and uncle. That has to be worth the trip at least! However, I have all the natural hangups about going. I have spent the past 10 years effectively avoiding these people. When I go home to Oregon now I make sure never to be seen in public places like Walmart and the mall, on the off chance that I run into someone I once knew. Why would I voluntarily run into them all now, and all in the same place no less. One would think I'd grown fat and lazy over the years and didn't want to see anyone because my hair has all fallen out and I work at a gas station. The opposite in fact. I have a fantastic job. I've moved to the East Coast and made a great life for myself. I don't even look all that bad. I weigh less now than I did in high school, if only by a mere 5 pounds. So why do I dread this event?
Next week I'll have a different perspective on the subject.
Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen? My neice, Jillian, who is one, is the reason I put up with the reunion.
It totally does sound promiscuous.
You're gonna knock 'em dead.
10 year reunion... gah. I had mine this past year. As long as you don't get cornered by a drunken ex who won't let go of you, I'm sure you'll have a blast! :-) Not that that happened to me, or anything...
ok maybe it did :-(
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