Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Word of the Day: (Unknown)

Why is there no other word in the english language to appropriately describe "boredom"? Dictionary.com apparently thinks that boredom is synonymous with terms like detachment, disgust, fatigue, incuriosity, indifference, irksomeness, tediousness, world-weariness, and yawn. Yes, yawn.

Are they kidding? How does boredom relate at all to disgust? Fatigue might be a by-product of boredom. Incuriosity? Possibly a stretch of the imagination could lead one to think that boredom would create a lack of curiousity, but boredom itself is not defined by incuriosity. And Yawn. I don't think I even need to go there.

I've been swimming in boredom all day, going on all week. I have done everything I can possibly do while stuck to my desk, including, but not limited to, reading everyone's blog (apparently no one else is as bored as me because they haven't bothered to update since YESTERDAY! Come on people, I need new material!). My coworkers have asked me to create a quiz for them to take, which I will post here tomorrow incase anyone else needs something to do. At least I'm thinking of others.

The good news? August is almost over.

As a side note, I've been pondering the concept of email as a human filter. We tend to say more personal, bold and perhaps confrontational things over email than we would in person. Is it possible that typing words is so impersonal we don't consider the notion that an actual person is on the other end of the computer?

I have a friend whom I only know through email. We've known each other for two years and have only met in person once. I know him better than just about anyone because we have very open discussions, since it's just through email. It's just words on paper. However, I'm not sure such a familiarity translates in real life. If I were to spend a day with him, I think I'd feel as if I didn't "know" him at all.

Is a relationship that exists solely over email a relationship at all? I mean, is it so impersonal that it doesn't even qualify as a real relationship, even thought it's more deeply engaging and brutally honest than it would be under normal circumstances? Can you share so much of yourself and have it be meaningless in the physical world?

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