Thursday, November 30, 2006

Word of the Day: Procrastination

I know. I know. I'm suddenly the kind of blogger that I hate. The one who doesn't post for weeks on end and then when she finally does, has nothing to say. The thing is, well, I just don't have anything to say. I think a year and a half of blogging every day has run the well dry. Let's face it. I'm boring. Ever since I learned that Gene was ending his chat until next May, I have had very little will to write. How can I survive without Gene? And then to add to injury, is closing down. Now where will I get my music? You don't know me at all if you're thinking right now that I should use iTunes.

So it's my favorite time of year again (sarcasm intended). Every parking spot in every parking lot is taken by serious shoppers looking for bargains. I have done all of my shopping via the Internet this year. Starting this weekend, I'm no longer leaving the house for anything except work. The crowds are insane. I cannot take one more person cutting me off in traffic, one more crazy parent pushing a stroller over my foot, one more insane child screaming over the toy their parent won't buy them. Why do people lose their common sense at Christmas?


Anonymous said...

I suppose the question you need to ask yourself is why are you keeping a blog? Are you trying to elicit feedback from particular individuals? (There is no guarantee that anyone will comment on your entries, even if you ask them to do so.) Are you trying to demonstrate your writing skills and/or ability to meet some sort of regular deadline? Are you simply using it as an outlet for your feelings? (If so, why a blog rather than a private pen-and-paper journal?) Or are you keeping a blog just because everyone else around you does? The answers you give to these questions may help inspire you to blog more ... or not.

Laura said...

I don't do it for any of the reasons you mentioned. I do it mostly because a few of my family members read it regularly and like to see what I'm up to, and what I'm thinking occasionally, and they are worth it, even if no one else ever reads it. I would keep doing it just for them.