Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Word of the Day: Vow

noun: a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment

I went to Oregon last week for an emergency trip. The late notice ticketing of course gave me no options as to flight times, etc, and that makes for some crazy routing. Why one has to fly an hour north to get 2 hours south is still something I'm comtemplating days later. I had three layovers on each leg of the race -- er, flight. I have also discovered the worst possible way to spend your birthday. It involves a security gate, four-inch wide coach-class seat and the option to buy a pre-heated ecoli burger with onions for $10.

The trip was worth it though because I got to see my family, whom I often don't see but twice during the year, and I was able to see my grandmother, whom I see once every three years, if I'm lucky. She and my grandfather were married for 70 years. If only we could pull that off in our own generation. It took incredible amounts of dedication and patience, I'm sure, but today we are so divorce happy that a 10-year marriage seems long. Look at Britney... two years was actually kind of a long time to be married to that loser, but did she really go into that thinking she'd be happily married to Kevin Federline for 70 years? I don't think we go into marriage for the long haul anymore. I think we only consider marriage with our "today" glasses on. Maybe I'm wrong, but look at all these celebrities with kids and broken marriages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But what did you "vow" after your trip?