Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Word of the Day: Crapulous

crapulous \KRAP-yuh-lus\, adjective:
1. Suffering the effects of, or derived from, or suggestive of gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous stomach.
2. Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous old reprobate

I've left the sunshine, the white sandy beaches and the fruity drinks of Hawaii in exchange for the life I've, for some unknown reason, opted to build for myself in Washington, D.C. I contemplated staying in Hawaii. I've designed a plan which would allow me to live in Hawaii year-round and generate enough cash to basically buy my own island if I chose to do so. My only hang-up with the plan is that it would require me to work early morning hours, and we all know that I'm incapable of doing that. Judging by the fact that I've missed the bus two mornings in a row, I don't see being able to pull off this plan of mine. But perhaps when I live in Hawaii I won't care what time of the morning I have to get up. Because I… live in… Hawaii. ALOHA!

Last night was another David Shelby ATM party. This one was a rager. I'm surprised that half of the participants are even alive today, much less at work. A bottle of expensive tequila was given to Tofu Todd as a parting gift and it was summarily drained within half an hour. I was not "crapulous" last night, but so many were that I feel it's necessary to use the word because it's just so fitting. I particularly enjoy the "gross intemperance" part because that's the whole crux of the ATM (Anti-Temperance Monday). But drinking six tequila shots after work on Monday when you've had no dinner and must attend work the next day is probably a pretty crapulous thing to do.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that word summarizes EXACTLY how I feel today.

Laura said...

Okay, well Chris, that's one way of looking at it... I was thinking more like opening a hotdog stand or something. But yeah, day trading.