1. To talk incoherently; to speak in a rambling manner.
2. To wander aimlessly or confusedly.
I have a bunch of nothing to talk about right now. Seriously.
First, I should warn you all that I will have a guest blogger manning the Repository while I'm in Israel next week. Her name is -- well you all know her -- Michelle. You'll be glad to know she's just as bored as I am during the day, so she'll have just as much random nothingness to discuss. It's only 4 days until I leave!! I still haven't made plans for Veteran's Day (despite a very good recommendation I received). That's so sad.
I realized today that I've gotten really good at this technique I taught my coworker when she started working here. It's called "OBE", short for Out of Body Experience. Whenever I'm in a meeting, I grow furiously impatient at all the talk-around going on, and I am increasingly irritated by the fact that rational human thought is totally underutilized. So I learned quickly to leave the table (mentally - OBE) immediately upon sitting down to keep myself from extreme frustration. I get it. It's the govt. Nothing is supposed to happen quickly, but must it be talked about incessantly until our ears bleed?
I found a great new artist yesterday while scanning the *new* russian site for music. (note to self: remove Best Music Site Ever from links). His name is James Blunt. A cool mix between David Gray and Jack Johnson.
Great song:
How I wish I could surrender my soul;
Shed the clothes that become my skin;
See the liar that burns within my needing.
How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.
How I wish I had screamed out loud,
Instead I've found no meaning.
What's the point of Saddam Hussein refusing to identify himself at trial?
After several raucous hours, which included a brief shoving incident between Hussein and a guard, the proceeding was adjourned until Nov. 28.
Michelle will be posting a location for the non-birthday party we're having on the 5th (it's a Saturday so we HAVE to celebrate) mostly because I'm turning 28 and I feel that's a milestone. Plus I want to celebrate putting my condo on the market and other random useless antics. Might go to Tabaq (Bronwyn's suggestion) or Saint X or I don't know. Just stay tuned. And here's a tribute to Steve, who's birthday is on Nov. 9.
Last night I had a dream that I left my job and sold my condo (which are both immenent) but I freaked out the day I didn't have to go to work for the first time. I couldn't believe I'd just quit 2 weeks after my huge raise. And I just refinanced my house. Um. Good call there Laura. Don't worry I'm not quitting tomorrow. I'm just considering moving to a new city. These things must happen in life.
Timoni posted a Missed Connection today and got a reply from the wrong man, but a cute one at that!
This Blunt song reminds me of missed connections:
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
And I don't think that I'll see her again
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
I told you it'd be random today!
Nooooooooo!!!! Don't gooooooo!!!!! Is it really THAT bad? What could make things better? People change scenery all the time, and get the same results. It's the people that need to change. What do you want? Exploring options? Frustrated? Un-inspired? Join the F'n club! You have it so good, and have so many options. You're not one to make rash decisions, so hopefully you'll have time to figure it out.
If you are moving, please go someplace warm or "cool", so I have an excuse to come visit. Don't, like, move to Arkansas. That'd suck. Really. It'd suck.
Don't fret just yet, Chris. It'll be a while. Seriously. Like a year. I'm none of the things you said -- frustrated, uninspired, etc -- it's just time to move on. I would love to be closer to my family and things in life that really matter to me. But that's not why. I'm a restless person, by nature. I'm ready for a challenge, an adventure. Believe me when I say it's not a challenge to sit at my desk everyday pretending. I'm ready to fly. It's not THAT bad. It's not bad at all. In fact, my life is rather glorious right now.
You'll always have an excuse to visit cuz where ever I go, I'll be there! Clearly. ;) Tucson okay with you? Seattle? Mexico?
Ooo, what a good idea: we all move to vacation-worthy locations and starting a visiting club. Sound good?
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