Friday, October 14, 2005

TGIF Word of the Week: Sinecure

sinecure \SY-nih-kyur; SIN-ih-\, noun:
An office or position that requires or involves little or no responsibility, work, or active service.

Thanks to my sinecure job, I have plenty of time to post random bits of information on my blog. YAY!

Michelle and I are going to a Matt Nathanson concert tonight at the 930 club. I LUV him. If the Best Music Site Ever was working, I'd download his CD. Alas, it is not. The page says it'll be back up on the 13th. I wonder if they haven't noticed that it's the 14th today.

Show me where the sun comes through the sky
I'll show you where the rain gets in and
I'll show you hurricanes
The way that summer fades
You can lift me up to put me down again
underneath the weight of it all.
--Weight of It All

So last night I became aware of a little situation in my family. I have the most loving, awesome family. With that said, I think they're trying to kick me off the island. My sister mentioned a funeral that took place last weekend and it came out that the entire family had neglected to mention to me that an important person in the family had passed away. I mean, it was a week and a half ago. Were they ever going to tell me? Then I realized after my sister said she thought my mom had called me that my mom, in fact, hasn't called me in...well, frankly I can't remember when. MOTHER -- CALL ME!!

I feel so faded
So far gone
Nothing suprises me anymore

I think I need to sell my condo and cash out. Going Mondo Condo. A condo was recently sold in my building for $80K more than I paid. The same layout. I need to get out now, take my money and run. The only question is where will I run? I don't really know where to move next.

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