Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Word of the Day: Euphemism

The Best Music Site Ever (listed on right) promises to be back up tomorrow after a FULL WEEK of brokenness. I'm already planning what music I'll download. I am a tiny bit fearful that it'll now be like 20 cents for a song or something, but I suppose I can handle that. I'm so spoiled.

eu·phe·mism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (yf-mzm)
n. The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.

The word of the day is brought to you by Michelle, who suggested it after our boss and coworker were caught in an amusing euphemistic exchange. (Yeah, so what if I just made up a new phrase.)

Coworker to Boss: I'm having some issues right now.
Boss to Coworker: You mean problems?
Michelle to Both: I prefer to call them challenges.

Someone I know (whom I prefer remain nameless) said today two things within an hour of each ohter that I found immensily disturbing. Said person randomly met a couple in the waiting room of her doctor who asked her if she would donate an egg to them, and she agreed. Right there in the waiting room. For free. And she's getting fake eyelashes? I don't know. I must be losing my hearing because there is just no other rational explanation.

Are we all going to die of bird flu? Is it actually possible that a mass pandemic could anihilate half the U.S. population? I spent most of my day emersed in bird flu (bird flu web pages, that is) and I just can't seem to see what all the fuss is about. Haven't we come far enough with Science that we could get this under control before we all start dying off? If I have to be quarantined in my apartment for months on end, can I at least have a cute guy there with me? That's all I ask.


Anonymous said...

Why be couped up in an apartment/condo when you can be couped up at a palatial beach estate?

Laura said...

If I had a "platial beach estate" to be cooped up in, I certainly would probably choose that option. But the real question is will there be a cute guy there?

timoni said...

I don't think the person (who shall remain nameless) has any idea what donating an egg entails or I doubt she would've agreed to do it so quickly. I mean seriously. You have to take shots for months and get all bloated and nasty and extra-fertile. There's a reason people charge and are willing to pay so much for something half the planet has millions of.

Laura said...

Thank you! That's what I was thinking. She said she would NEVER charge for the egg cuz that's just wrong. But my real question is whether these people know how old she is (38) and if they'd still have the same interest after finding out that their "child" is going to turn out really screwed up.