Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Stress and Boredom

One of my biggest weaknesses is that I get stressed out a little too easily. I'm trying to be better, but look, it isn't my fault. According to Washington Post (my personal bible if you will...) there is a logical explanation: boredom is a condition that can be more stressful and damaging than overwork.

Due to both Laura and our boss being out of the office Monday and Tuesday, Timoni and I have been left "home alone" so to speak. So far we haven't done anything bad like burn down the office. (This is an actual concern, seeing as I am semi-responsible for causing the fire alarm to go off in a toaster mishap.)

And since this is one of Laura's favorite topics, I feel obligated to report that American University's ousted president agreed to a $3.75 million resignation package rather than be fired. So let this be a lesson to all you potential gross misusers of other people's money out there - you will get caught. But then you'll make a hefty profit anyhow.


timoni said...

I loooooove that article. "The less someone works at work, the more pressure they feel." Absolutely. I was freaking out the whole first month I was here before I realized that, no, this is actually the amount of work I'm supposed to be doing.

I would still rather be bored at this job than busy at the old admin jobs I had, however. There's a stack of about a thousand sheets of paper that probably still need to be filed away into people's individual personnel files over at US Fish & Wildlife because I just didn't do it. I HATE filing. And copying. And so on.

timoni said...

-The house doesn't clean itself (nor does the yard- STOP RAINING ALREADY).

Chris, when I am in the same income bracket as you (or even a bracket below), I am TOTALLY getting a maid in once a week. Pay them $80 and the place is beeyootiful.

SassyWonk said...

HEY! This isn't Laura! ;)
I can surely relate to Boredom and definately to stress. Sigh.