I wrote this quiz so I can say it's completely pointless, and I know this because I wrote it solely to pass time at work so I didn't go blind from staring at a blank screen for too long. I have also heard that florescent lighting can cause seizures.
1. If you had three weeks left to live, what would you do first?
a. Call all your friends and cry about your horrible luck
b. Go on the vacation you've always wanted to go on
c. Plan for your funeral
2. You go out to a bar with your friend and you both like the same guy. Do you:
a. Turn him down to spare your friend's feelings
b. Take him for yourself
c. Back off and let your friend have him.
3. You get a rare chance to tell off one person. Would that person be a:
a. Friend
b. Family member
c. Coworker
4. Someone gives you $50,000, tax free, for all your hard work. You:
a. Pay off all your debt
b. Buy something big you've always wanted
c. Put it in savings
5. You could be happy in life if you only had:
a. Love
b. Money
c. Friendship
6. If there was a book written about your life, would it be a:
a. Mystery
b. Comedy
c. Romance
7. What color is your current mood?
a. Beige
b. Gray
c. Blue
8. If you were forced to kill someone out of self-defense, what would you rather do it with?
a. Gun
b. Knife
c. Frying Pan
9. Which of the following is a possible deal breaker on a first date? (Choose only one)
a. Bad dresser
b. Not being prepared (i.e. having cash and gas BEFORE picking you up)
c. Smelling bad
10. What is your least favorite activity?
a. Feeling like you're falling asleep in a meeting
b. Walking to work because you missed the bus
c. Seeing a horrible picture of yourself posted on someone's website
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Ethiopian Dinner Night
Word of the Day: (Unknown)
Why is there no other word in the english language to appropriately describe "boredom"? Dictionary.com apparently thinks that boredom is synonymous with terms like detachment, disgust, fatigue, incuriosity, indifference, irksomeness, tediousness, world-weariness, and yawn. Yes, yawn.
Are they kidding? How does boredom relate at all to disgust? Fatigue might be a by-product of boredom. Incuriosity? Possibly a stretch of the imagination could lead one to think that boredom would create a lack of curiousity, but boredom itself is not defined by incuriosity. And Yawn. I don't think I even need to go there.
I've been swimming in boredom all day, going on all week. I have done everything I can possibly do while stuck to my desk, including, but not limited to, reading everyone's blog (apparently no one else is as bored as me because they haven't bothered to update since YESTERDAY! Come on people, I need new material!). My coworkers have asked me to create a quiz for them to take, which I will post here tomorrow incase anyone else needs something to do. At least I'm thinking of others.
The good news? August is almost over.
As a side note, I've been pondering the concept of email as a human filter. We tend to say more personal, bold and perhaps confrontational things over email than we would in person. Is it possible that typing words is so impersonal we don't consider the notion that an actual person is on the other end of the computer?
I have a friend whom I only know through email. We've known each other for two years and have only met in person once. I know him better than just about anyone because we have very open discussions, since it's just through email. It's just words on paper. However, I'm not sure such a familiarity translates in real life. If I were to spend a day with him, I think I'd feel as if I didn't "know" him at all.
Is a relationship that exists solely over email a relationship at all? I mean, is it so impersonal that it doesn't even qualify as a real relationship, even thought it's more deeply engaging and brutally honest than it would be under normal circumstances? Can you share so much of yourself and have it be meaningless in the physical world?
Are they kidding? How does boredom relate at all to disgust? Fatigue might be a by-product of boredom. Incuriosity? Possibly a stretch of the imagination could lead one to think that boredom would create a lack of curiousity, but boredom itself is not defined by incuriosity. And Yawn. I don't think I even need to go there.
I've been swimming in boredom all day, going on all week. I have done everything I can possibly do while stuck to my desk, including, but not limited to, reading everyone's blog (apparently no one else is as bored as me because they haven't bothered to update since YESTERDAY! Come on people, I need new material!). My coworkers have asked me to create a quiz for them to take, which I will post here tomorrow incase anyone else needs something to do. At least I'm thinking of others.
The good news? August is almost over.
As a side note, I've been pondering the concept of email as a human filter. We tend to say more personal, bold and perhaps confrontational things over email than we would in person. Is it possible that typing words is so impersonal we don't consider the notion that an actual person is on the other end of the computer?
I have a friend whom I only know through email. We've known each other for two years and have only met in person once. I know him better than just about anyone because we have very open discussions, since it's just through email. It's just words on paper. However, I'm not sure such a familiarity translates in real life. If I were to spend a day with him, I think I'd feel as if I didn't "know" him at all.
Is a relationship that exists solely over email a relationship at all? I mean, is it so impersonal that it doesn't even qualify as a real relationship, even thought it's more deeply engaging and brutally honest than it would be under normal circumstances? Can you share so much of yourself and have it be meaningless in the physical world?
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Silver Lining
I took this photo from a boat near Occoquan in July. There really is such a thing as a silver lining. Marianne was just saying that a sunset showed God's magnificence. Look at this cloud and tell me there is no God. Below are a few of the sunset from Oregon.
Definitions of silver lining on the Web:
a consoling aspect of a difficult situation; "every cloud has a silver lining"; "look on the bright side of it"
Word of the Day: Concupiscent (Revised)
[Editor's note: Not surprisingly, I chose the wrong word (I mentioned below that this might happen) but I have now fixed the error.]
See, there. I posted the word like I said I would (although I'm not positive this is the actual word because I didn't write it down). And I'm not posting the meaning. If you're curious, you'll look it up. My last post asked the question, if you do something and no one knows about it, did it ever really happen? This post is a good test case. Only one other person in the world knows why I posted that word.
So we went out last night for Timoni's birthday and got into a rather interesting conversation with two guys at the bar regarding this article:
PLAYGIRL Survey Reveals the Sexiest Man Alive Is Not Who You Think
Tuesday August 16, 8:00 am ET
Mag Will Run Future Pictorial of Who Most Resembles Results
NEW YORK, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Women may dream of canoodling with Hollywood's hottest hunks, but when it comes to the ultimate hook-up, they've got very different ideas. According to a PLAYGIRL Magazine survey of 2,000 readers, most women would ditch the movie-star good looks in favor of the nice guy next door:
-- While 58% favored a slightly muscular build, 42% said they found love
handles kind of sexy
-- Chest hair is a turn-off according to 51 %, but 47% said just a little
is fine with them
-- Metrosexuals are definitely out, and rough around the edges rule the
day (73%)
-- There was a near-split between those who liked their men just a little
bit country (52%) and a little bit rock and roll (48%)
-- Big bucks are unimportant; only 4% responded that money mattered in
the long run
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20030102/PLAYGIRLLOGO )
Why would anyone say they find love handles "kind of sexy"? I don't understand this logic. Love handles are something you live with because you must, not because you enjoy it, not unlike the fact that guys don't "like" cellulite, but hey, most girls have it or will have it. You live with it. Speaking of "metrosexuals are definitely out", someone should tell that to the guy I work with who has suspiciously well-formed eye brows and uses half a year's supply of hair gel every day.
I went canoeing on the Potomac in Georgetown with my friend Dawn today for her birthday and had a fabulous time. I can't help but wonder why no one else was out there today. It was gorgeous weather and yet there were no other boats on the water (with exception of two kayakers and a rower. Where was everybody? Are we as a society too lazy to get off the couch on Sunday and enjoy the outdoors? I think Dawn is the only person in the world who enjoys the same activities I do. I often find myself wondering why I get so excited about activities that other people my age would never consider participating in. Like for instance the Great Gatsby lawn party I attended last month. I was the youngest by about 40 years. And I had a great time. So all you losers are missing out! ha.
Okay, I'm exhausted from getting home at 4am last night so I'm gonna go take a nap now. ;)
See, there. I posted the word like I said I would (although I'm not positive this is the actual word because I didn't write it down). And I'm not posting the meaning. If you're curious, you'll look it up. My last post asked the question, if you do something and no one knows about it, did it ever really happen? This post is a good test case. Only one other person in the world knows why I posted that word.
So we went out last night for Timoni's birthday and got into a rather interesting conversation with two guys at the bar regarding this article:
PLAYGIRL Survey Reveals the Sexiest Man Alive Is Not Who You Think
Tuesday August 16, 8:00 am ET
Mag Will Run Future Pictorial of Who Most Resembles Results
NEW YORK, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Women may dream of canoodling with Hollywood's hottest hunks, but when it comes to the ultimate hook-up, they've got very different ideas. According to a PLAYGIRL Magazine survey of 2,000 readers, most women would ditch the movie-star good looks in favor of the nice guy next door:
-- While 58% favored a slightly muscular build, 42% said they found love
handles kind of sexy
-- Chest hair is a turn-off according to 51 %, but 47% said just a little
is fine with them
-- Metrosexuals are definitely out, and rough around the edges rule the
day (73%)
-- There was a near-split between those who liked their men just a little
bit country (52%) and a little bit rock and roll (48%)
-- Big bucks are unimportant; only 4% responded that money mattered in
the long run
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20030102/PLAYGIRLLOGO )
Why would anyone say they find love handles "kind of sexy"? I don't understand this logic. Love handles are something you live with because you must, not because you enjoy it, not unlike the fact that guys don't "like" cellulite, but hey, most girls have it or will have it. You live with it. Speaking of "metrosexuals are definitely out", someone should tell that to the guy I work with who has suspiciously well-formed eye brows and uses half a year's supply of hair gel every day.
I went canoeing on the Potomac in Georgetown with my friend Dawn today for her birthday and had a fabulous time. I can't help but wonder why no one else was out there today. It was gorgeous weather and yet there were no other boats on the water (with exception of two kayakers and a rower. Where was everybody? Are we as a society too lazy to get off the couch on Sunday and enjoy the outdoors? I think Dawn is the only person in the world who enjoys the same activities I do. I often find myself wondering why I get so excited about activities that other people my age would never consider participating in. Like for instance the Great Gatsby lawn party I attended last month. I was the youngest by about 40 years. And I had a great time. So all you losers are missing out! ha.
Okay, I'm exhausted from getting home at 4am last night so I'm gonna go take a nap now. ;)
Friday, August 26, 2005
Word of the Day: triskaidekaphobia
Okay I've heard some pretty crazy things, but come on! A fear of the number 13? You've got to be kidding me that people actually suffer from this phobia.
triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.
I couldn't find an appropriate word to describe this week. I was looking for something that meant "jovial" I think. What changed this week that made life so much more bearable for everyone? It seemed like everyone was in relatively high spirits this week. There was laughter and genuine happiness, people were being nice to each other, I didn't even get very perturbed when my coworker got on the phone with his brother, carrying on for an hour in Farsi. You can't imagine how irritating that is!
This week was the culmination of a lot of strife and worry for me. I thought I'd have to find a new job this month, but instead I was actually valued in a real way, which was something I never expected to happen. When it did, I found myself shocked that something had actually worked out well.
I'm also looking forward to a weekend away in Miami to rejuvenate and prepare for fall. If you do something alone and no one knows about it, does it actual occur? If you are the only person alive affected by your choice, does it matter what it was? I've been thinking alot about this. Not every decision matters in the great scheme of life. So why do we put so much emphasis on everything?
Tonight on my way into the building I said hi to a guy who was changing the plate on his car. Just as I was about to enter the building, he said, "Hey, don't you go to McLean Bible Church?" I looked at him strangely for a moment and then said "how did you know that?" I never got a straight answer from the guy. I thought he'd maybe seen me there or something, but he said he goes to another church. Then he said "You have bible study in the lobby sometimes right?" Okay, I've held bible study there ONCE. Yes, ONCE. Now I'm a little freaked out. How does this guy know so much about me? When I asked him that he said, "God told me." Okay, obviously a joke, but creepy anyway.
triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.
I couldn't find an appropriate word to describe this week. I was looking for something that meant "jovial" I think. What changed this week that made life so much more bearable for everyone? It seemed like everyone was in relatively high spirits this week. There was laughter and genuine happiness, people were being nice to each other, I didn't even get very perturbed when my coworker got on the phone with his brother, carrying on for an hour in Farsi. You can't imagine how irritating that is!
This week was the culmination of a lot of strife and worry for me. I thought I'd have to find a new job this month, but instead I was actually valued in a real way, which was something I never expected to happen. When it did, I found myself shocked that something had actually worked out well.
I'm also looking forward to a weekend away in Miami to rejuvenate and prepare for fall. If you do something alone and no one knows about it, does it actual occur? If you are the only person alive affected by your choice, does it matter what it was? I've been thinking alot about this. Not every decision matters in the great scheme of life. So why do we put so much emphasis on everything?
Tonight on my way into the building I said hi to a guy who was changing the plate on his car. Just as I was about to enter the building, he said, "Hey, don't you go to McLean Bible Church?" I looked at him strangely for a moment and then said "how did you know that?" I never got a straight answer from the guy. I thought he'd maybe seen me there or something, but he said he goes to another church. Then he said "You have bible study in the lobby sometimes right?" Okay, I've held bible study there ONCE. Yes, ONCE. Now I'm a little freaked out. How does this guy know so much about me? When I asked him that he said, "God told me." Okay, obviously a joke, but creepy anyway.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Word of the Day: Schadenfreude
I was waiting for a good word of the day to write another entry. Today's word seems very pertinent to the topic of discussion, which is the recap of my high school reunion over the weekend. The word:
schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.
Honestly, it wasn't that bad coming back home and seeing all the people I've dreaded seeing over the years. When I first got there Friday night, I was nervous and worried that I wouldn't recognize anyone. Some people had gained a few pounds, although no one really ballooned. Some of the girls who've had a couple babies...but that's expected.

The strangeset part was that no one had really left the area. Milton-Freewater is home to at least half the class, which to me is hard to imagine. I've moved to Montana, Washington State, Oklahoma and Virginia. I told people I live in Washington DC with hesitation because I didn't want to sound like I was bragging, but I have a pretty good job and a bigger life than anyone else in the class. I found out quickly that I was one of the most modest there. No one minded launching into a half hour speech about their latest accomplishments or their three beautiful kids.
Then there were the cows. We call them cows because they are boys AND girls, not because they are fat. They're the type who wear cowboy hats and boots and drink way too much and, apparently, sleep around. They *almost* ruined the weekend, but we all tried to ignore.
The next reunion I'll be 37. Hard to believe.
schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.
Honestly, it wasn't that bad coming back home and seeing all the people I've dreaded seeing over the years. When I first got there Friday night, I was nervous and worried that I wouldn't recognize anyone. Some people had gained a few pounds, although no one really ballooned. Some of the girls who've had a couple babies...but that's expected.
The strangeset part was that no one had really left the area. Milton-Freewater is home to at least half the class, which to me is hard to imagine. I've moved to Montana, Washington State, Oklahoma and Virginia. I told people I live in Washington DC with hesitation because I didn't want to sound like I was bragging, but I have a pretty good job and a bigger life than anyone else in the class. I found out quickly that I was one of the most modest there. No one minded launching into a half hour speech about their latest accomplishments or their three beautiful kids.
Then there were the cows. We call them cows because they are boys AND girls, not because they are fat. They're the type who wear cowboy hats and boots and drink way too much and, apparently, sleep around. They *almost* ruined the weekend, but we all tried to ignore.
The next reunion I'll be 37. Hard to believe.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Word of the Day: Dilatory
The word of the day sounds premiscuous to me, but it's actually a good word to add to your vocabulary. How many times can one person use the word "procrastination" before wearing it out? Now you have a new word to use --
dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.
I'm leaving town tomorrow, heading to Oregon for my 10-year high school reuinion. This subject begs to be discussed in more detail than I have time for. My dilatory nature has left me with less time to prepare for this event than I had originally hoped for. I've obviously known the event was approaching -- for 10 YEARS now I've had warning. Yet here it is, two days to the event and I still don't know what to wear. I haven't painted my toenails in over a month and I didn't even bother to assure that I looked fabulous for the reuinion, which is really the whole point of such an event anyway.
The only reason(s) I'm going is 1.) My cousin is planning the event and she would disown me if I didn't; 2.) I get to see my parents, sister, neice and nephew, cousin and baby and aunt and uncle. That has to be worth the trip at least! However, I have all the natural hangups about going. I have spent the past 10 years effectively avoiding these people. When I go home to Oregon now I make sure never to be seen in public places like Walmart and the mall, on the off chance that I run into someone I once knew. Why would I voluntarily run into them all now, and all in the same place no less. One would think I'd grown fat and lazy over the years and didn't want to see anyone because my hair has all fallen out and I work at a gas station. The opposite in fact. I have a fantastic job. I've moved to the East Coast and made a great life for myself. I don't even look all that bad. I weigh less now than I did in high school, if only by a mere 5 pounds. So why do I dread this event?
Next week I'll have a different perspective on the subject.
Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen? My neice, Jillian, who is one, is the reason I put up with the reunion.
dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.
I'm leaving town tomorrow, heading to Oregon for my 10-year high school reuinion. This subject begs to be discussed in more detail than I have time for. My dilatory nature has left me with less time to prepare for this event than I had originally hoped for. I've obviously known the event was approaching -- for 10 YEARS now I've had warning. Yet here it is, two days to the event and I still don't know what to wear. I haven't painted my toenails in over a month and I didn't even bother to assure that I looked fabulous for the reuinion, which is really the whole point of such an event anyway.
The only reason(s) I'm going is 1.) My cousin is planning the event and she would disown me if I didn't; 2.) I get to see my parents, sister, neice and nephew, cousin and baby and aunt and uncle. That has to be worth the trip at least! However, I have all the natural hangups about going. I have spent the past 10 years effectively avoiding these people. When I go home to Oregon now I make sure never to be seen in public places like Walmart and the mall, on the off chance that I run into someone I once knew. Why would I voluntarily run into them all now, and all in the same place no less. One would think I'd grown fat and lazy over the years and didn't want to see anyone because my hair has all fallen out and I work at a gas station. The opposite in fact. I have a fantastic job. I've moved to the East Coast and made a great life for myself. I don't even look all that bad. I weigh less now than I did in high school, if only by a mere 5 pounds. So why do I dread this event?
Next week I'll have a different perspective on the subject.
Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen? My neice, Jillian, who is one, is the reason I put up with the reunion.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Word of the Day: Change
I found this great listing of houses for rent in Tucson and it really got me thinking. Moving to Tucson sounds more and more appealing to me these days. I never intended to make here my home.
Take a look at these houses. The prices are insane. $800 for a 2 bedroom. And it's gorgeous! I would definitely want to live in a house that is built with southwestern architecture. I LOVE it. These places are so nice it makes me ashamed of myself for buying my condo, and don't even get me started on the price.
Over the past few months I've started to feel very disillusioned about DC. I'm not internally happy here, the way I think I should be. I'm always struggling with myself. All the men here seem to have a one-track mind. The women are just as bad. A man here can get it anytime he wants from anyone he wants. Why would a man even need a good woman? It's totally overrated. It makes me sad. And it makes my heart feel cold. Everyone is so driven by power that they don't even stop to appreciate it. West Coasters don't behave this way.
I'd have to get some protection against the tarantulas in Tucson, but I could just rent a place and work somewhere I enjoy and not have to worry about making a ton of money. I hate the rat race out here.
I feel like I'm trapped in a box that is going to make me a cold, hard, calculated version of myself. I love who I am, a genuine, caring person, and I don't want to watch myself turn into someone I don't even recognize anymore. I'm losing me. I just want to have something in my life that matters. And a stomach that doesn't hurt me all the time. I should choose to enrich my life by being with the ones I love, not holing myself up out here in DC for nothing.
Take a look at these houses. The prices are insane. $800 for a 2 bedroom. And it's gorgeous! I would definitely want to live in a house that is built with southwestern architecture. I LOVE it. These places are so nice it makes me ashamed of myself for buying my condo, and don't even get me started on the price.
Over the past few months I've started to feel very disillusioned about DC. I'm not internally happy here, the way I think I should be. I'm always struggling with myself. All the men here seem to have a one-track mind. The women are just as bad. A man here can get it anytime he wants from anyone he wants. Why would a man even need a good woman? It's totally overrated. It makes me sad. And it makes my heart feel cold. Everyone is so driven by power that they don't even stop to appreciate it. West Coasters don't behave this way.
I'd have to get some protection against the tarantulas in Tucson, but I could just rent a place and work somewhere I enjoy and not have to worry about making a ton of money. I hate the rat race out here.
I feel like I'm trapped in a box that is going to make me a cold, hard, calculated version of myself. I love who I am, a genuine, caring person, and I don't want to watch myself turn into someone I don't even recognize anymore. I'm losing me. I just want to have something in my life that matters. And a stomach that doesn't hurt me all the time. I should choose to enrich my life by being with the ones I love, not holing myself up out here in DC for nothing.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Word of the Day: Somniferous
somniferous \som-NIF-uhr-uhs\, adjective: Causing or inducing sleep.
Today's Dictionary.com word of the day is somniferous. I could not agree more. With the fact that today = somniferous.
I went to Deep Creek Lake with my friend Kim this weekend and we had a really great time. We were up partying until 3am on Saturday night after playing 8 rowdy games of beer pong and having the cops called on us (I have great pictures of this event which I will post soon). Needless to say, we got precious little sleep this weekend and now here we are back at work like we never left.
I'm not only sitting at my desk wishing I was sleeping rather than working, I also have nothing to do (correction: nothing of value to do). The quiet lull of computers humming in the office, whispering of coworkers (who usually shout and cause a ruckus), and the fact that I'm surviving on a serious lack of sleep is VERY somniferous and therefore detrimental to the work factor. Would they fire me if I fell asleep at my desk? I'd wake up with keyboard marks on my forehead.
An old friend and coworker of mine from AOL used to sleep at his desk for an hour every afternoon after lunch. He'd mastered the art of holding the mouse in his right hand while leaning his head in his left hand. If he was lucky, he would jerk slightly every few minutes which would wake up the screen when it went idle. Of course, we all knew about this habit of his, so we got into the practice of trying to wake him up by throwing wads of paper at him from our desks.
The antonym of Insomnia is Hypersomnia? I think I suffer from this. I want to, and wish I could, sleep all day, every day. How great would that be?
Today's Dictionary.com word of the day is somniferous. I could not agree more. With the fact that today = somniferous.
I went to Deep Creek Lake with my friend Kim this weekend and we had a really great time. We were up partying until 3am on Saturday night after playing 8 rowdy games of beer pong and having the cops called on us (I have great pictures of this event which I will post soon). Needless to say, we got precious little sleep this weekend and now here we are back at work like we never left.
I'm not only sitting at my desk wishing I was sleeping rather than working, I also have nothing to do (correction: nothing of value to do). The quiet lull of computers humming in the office, whispering of coworkers (who usually shout and cause a ruckus), and the fact that I'm surviving on a serious lack of sleep is VERY somniferous and therefore detrimental to the work factor. Would they fire me if I fell asleep at my desk? I'd wake up with keyboard marks on my forehead.
An old friend and coworker of mine from AOL used to sleep at his desk for an hour every afternoon after lunch. He'd mastered the art of holding the mouse in his right hand while leaning his head in his left hand. If he was lucky, he would jerk slightly every few minutes which would wake up the screen when it went idle. Of course, we all knew about this habit of his, so we got into the practice of trying to wake him up by throwing wads of paper at him from our desks.
The antonym of Insomnia is Hypersomnia? I think I suffer from this. I want to, and wish I could, sleep all day, every day. How great would that be?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Word of the Day: Necrophilia
Don't worry, this entry is not going to go into the finer points of being obsessed with dead bodies. And there's no need to alert the authorities, I'm not in the market. Well, in a sense I guess I am, sort of. I write mystery novels, which often includes a description or two about dead bodies and death, but that doesn't certify me.
The word of the day is delivered to my email box (it has for years thanks to my friend Kim who used to do this with me -- we'd intentionally use the word of the day in our emails to each other all week until we had 7 useful new words in our vocabular that we'd actually use. Remember "snafu" Kim? We used that one until it we ran it into the ground.) Anyway, today's word was necrophilia and i thought it would make an interesting blog entry.
1. Obsessive fascination with death and corpses.
2. Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses.
Two weeks ago I attended a themed Great Gatsby lawn party of the Mystery Writers of America at the most grand house in Potomac, Maryland. Apparently there used to be a member of MWA who would randomly ask other members to share their murder scenes with him. He constantly wanted to discuss death. MWA provided a safe haven for him of sorts so that he could revel in his obsession without being discovered. People caught on when he never produced a chapter of his own. They soon realized the guy was a necrophiliac and had found his niche with mystery writers who discussed his favorite topic at length. Needless to say, he was kicked out of the club.
What in the world could one find so fascinating about corpses?
The word of the day is delivered to my email box (it has for years thanks to my friend Kim who used to do this with me -- we'd intentionally use the word of the day in our emails to each other all week until we had 7 useful new words in our vocabular that we'd actually use. Remember "snafu" Kim? We used that one until it we ran it into the ground.) Anyway, today's word was necrophilia and i thought it would make an interesting blog entry.
1. Obsessive fascination with death and corpses.
2. Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses.
Two weeks ago I attended a themed Great Gatsby lawn party of the Mystery Writers of America at the most grand house in Potomac, Maryland. Apparently there used to be a member of MWA who would randomly ask other members to share their murder scenes with him. He constantly wanted to discuss death. MWA provided a safe haven for him of sorts so that he could revel in his obsession without being discovered. People caught on when he never produced a chapter of his own. They soon realized the guy was a necrophiliac and had found his niche with mystery writers who discussed his favorite topic at length. Needless to say, he was kicked out of the club.
What in the world could one find so fascinating about corpses?
Monday, August 01, 2005
Word of the Day: Reality
Who creates reality? Is reality based on external factors or is your own personal internalization reality?
1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2) : the totality of real things and events b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily
- in reality : in actual fact
I don't think this definition is complete because a totally different reality could exist in your head than exists in the world. Say someone thinks he is the coolest person alive and has a lot of friends to show for it. However, the friends, polled individually, all say that the dude is a loser and no one likes him. Is not his internal reality completely different from the external reality? So which is more true? The reality he believes, or the external factual reality (what might be considered the reality of the friends that were polled).
n 1: all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were" [syn: world] 2: the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him" [syn: realness, realism] [ant: unreality] 3: the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be; "businessmen have to face harsh realities" 4: the quality possessed by something that is real
I love that the antonym of reality is "unreality".
A lot of people live in their own made-up, comfortable reality instead of facing the world where reality is harsh and cruel. If we don't own up to reality, what do we become? Like dictionary.com says, "demons were as much a part of reality as trees were". We can make ourselves believe anything. People choose unreality because the alternative is harsh, but I think it's bold and daring to face reality. Only the courageous take a step out of their own fantasy land long enough to feel the sting of the external reality. And only a true coward would prefer to wallow in unreality rather than face what's real.
1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs
- in reality : in actual fact
I don't think this definition is complete because a totally different reality could exist in your head than exists in the world. Say someone thinks he is the coolest person alive and has a lot of friends to show for it. However, the friends, polled individually, all say that the dude is a loser and no one likes him. Is not his internal reality completely different from the external reality? So which is more true? The reality he believes, or the external factual reality (what might be considered the reality of the friends that were polled).
n 1: all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were" [syn: world] 2: the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him" [syn: realness, realism] [ant: unreality] 3: the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be; "businessmen have to face harsh realities" 4: the quality possessed by something that is real
I love that the antonym of reality is "unreality".
A lot of people live in their own made-up, comfortable reality instead of facing the world where reality is harsh and cruel. If we don't own up to reality, what do we become? Like dictionary.com says, "demons were as much a part of reality as trees were". We can make ourselves believe anything. People choose unreality because the alternative is harsh, but I think it's bold and daring to face reality. Only the courageous take a step out of their own fantasy land long enough to feel the sting of the external reality. And only a true coward would prefer to wallow in unreality rather than face what's real.
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