Monday, July 31, 2006

Word of the Day: Littoral

littoral \LIH-tuh-rul\, adjective:
1. Of, relating to, or on a coastal or shore region, especially a seashore

Since I haven't posted since the 18th (gasp) I figured I better get on it so I don't disappoint the peanut gallery. And just where have I been? Well, if it's possible to make one week stretch out into eternity, that happened last week. I was at work on Monday, but then in a flash I was in Pittsburgh with a dear friend and after some minor finagling, I was able to still go to Oregon on Thursday morning to visit my family for a few days on the coast -- hence the word of the day.

For anyone who has not been to the West coast, you are seriously missing out. I mean, it's so awesome there, so much better everything than the east coast. You think your coast out here is so great -- Cape Cod! Ha. It's a joke compared to Seaside. I'm not kidding. The Oregon Coast is one of the most beautiful resources the Unites States owns and yet it's so ignored. Public service announcement #459: If you haven't been to the Oregon coast, get your head out of the sand and go there. You won't regret it. I'll post some photos tomorrow so you can see that I'm not lying.

The water in the ocean there is 45 degrees right now. Wouldn't that feel good today, in this 100-degree weather? Tomorrow is supposed to reach 100 degrees, which brings the heat index up to 110 degrees. That's out of control. I've been to Tucson in hotter weather than that, but they don't have humidity there. How does one survive outside in 110 humidity? I feel really bad for the workers who are constructing a building next door to mine. I hope they bring enough water. That job must be one of the worst of all times. Working in snow and humidity. No thank you. I think I'll stick with my job for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been to Washington State and California, but haven't made it to Oregon yet. Sounds great! Go Tillamook squeaky cheese and nut-brown ale! (I hope I have that right ....)