Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered
Now that I'm over my near-fatal bout with pneumonia, I feel more capable of going back to my normal tasks of updating the blog, although I can't quite sum up into words the state of my current condition quite as well as Gene Weingarten can, so I will defer to his wisdom and authority today...
Listen, people. This is not a tranquilizing chat. We do not soothe and pacify. We do not placate. We do not pander by confirming your most comforting assumptions. We explore eternal verities here, and life, to quote Thomas Hobbes, is nasty, brutish and short. if you do not wish to be emotionally disturbed, I highly recommend Ms. O’Donnel’s chat, where you can get excellent advice on the appropriate uses of tarragon in the preparation of veal. The only likely mention of veal in this chat would be to note that the baby cow died alone and in fear, as do we all. Okay?
Why did this poll bother people so much? Because it has confirmed what we all know but seldom face – that our relationships, especially the strongest and most passionate relationships, are more fragile than we like to think. We. Are. More. Alone. Than. We. Want. To. Be.
Go Gene (and not just because of the baby cow reference).
Relationships are most fragile at the moments they are most important to us. All our lives we strive to find people to connect with and share those rare moments that we remember in our final hours.
I am lucky who is in my life and my happiness these days is ubiquitous.
Good Steve F. Now I want to shoot my left eye out.
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