Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Word of the Day: System 32

You're asking "What is System 32?" I'm here to tell you that System 32 is everything that is wrong in the world. Here's how:

Upon booting up my computer every day (or however rarely I actually turn the evil thing off and have to boot it cold) the System 32 folder opens automatically, displaying a group of random files I have no intention of ever needing. Despite my resentment of the automatic opening of the folder, and the totally convoluted solutions I've tried, fruitlessly, in order to get rid of it, my friend System 32 holds on. Somedays I deal with the nuisance peacefully. I just close the folder and go about my business. Other days I get so frustrated by the existence of the folder that I spend literally hours trying to eradicate it, hide it, rename it, banish it from my sight, anything!

Today I learned that the mere presence of the folder suggests I may have contracted a virus of such proportions that I may never get rid of the folder, forever being plagued by its uselessness.

Clearly, this parallels all unexplainable, exasperating and undeniably evil components of an otherwise organized and fulfilling life. No matter how put together you think things are, how organized you have your schedule or how great you think your friends are, there will always be that one folder that keeps opening and spilling out havoc on everything else around it. A virus so annoying, it promises to nag at your until the end of time, or that moment when you finally break down and buy a new computer.


Anonymous said...

Time to get a Mac. Don't give up, yet.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't delete the system 32 folder if I were you. Your computer will likely crash with no way to boot it up again.

Anonymous said...

Well Now That's Funny. I hate computers, Laura. I have cognitive delay with them.

The "Great" Kimbino

Anonymous said...

go to your start menu, hit run, and then type in 'msconfig' and hit enter. look for the 'startup' tab or something close to that. un check the box next to
should keep it from popping up.

but you probly have a virus.