Thursday, September 29, 2005

Word of the Day: Blame

Why is it that everyone has to blame someone else for everything that happens in this world? Are we so tightly wound that we need to place blame for every occurance in our lives before we can feel that we've acheived justice?

Here are some excerpts from an AP story:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency delivered ice, water and packaged meals Wednesday to residents who rode out the storm, but some officials in hard-hit areas criticized the agency's response..."I don't know what could have been done better since the materials were in place before the hurricane. We're doing everything we can to get water and ice to whomever remains."...He said it was difficult for many residents, trapped behind miles of downed trees, to get medical care, food or water....Some rural residents said they felt forgotten after the storm..."They are still stuck on Katrina, and Rita's done some hellacious damage up in these woods."

If you don't want to be forgotten then GET OUT. I'm pretty sure they made an effort to get you to leave BEFORE the storm, but you were too stubborn to leave your house. You know what, it's your own fault!

This week's other headlines:
Brown Blames La. Governor, N.O. Mayor
Ex-FEMA Director Brown Blames Others
Former FEMA Director Brown blames 'dysfunctional Louisiana' for Katrina response

I'm possibly ultra-sensitive to this issue today because yesterday I spelled Jordan wrong on my newsletter that goes to around 2,000 people a week. Everyone in this office was exceptionally quick to point out that the blame was mine. Others were equally quick to suggest I fix the error, which makes me laugh since it's an email. What exactly do you want me to do? Travel back in time? My boss asked me "what happened?" this morning, not to blame me for it, but to understand the process leading up to the error so he could properly "disperse the blame elsewhere".

The whole blame game is just unbelievable to me. I am adult enough to accept the fact that I committed this majorly erroneous typo (it's one fricken letter!). Why must we point fingers at others to cover up for our own role in something? I'm not saying that others were not equally at fault for the error (after all, I'm only the content editor, not the copy editor or proofreader), I'm just saying that when something like this occurs, why can we not learn from the error or mistake and move forward with that knowledge instead of blaming everyone and pointing fingers and denying responsiblity.

Are we that insecure?


Anonymous said...

I loved the typo. Yesterday is best left in the past. It's what are you going to do tomorrow that matters. Look toward the future...

I screwed up *royally* this week, too. So don't feel bad. Nobody caught it though, so does it matter? It matters to me, and that's what counts. I know I could do better.

As for blame... I was going to give you the Big Red Ball Of Blame, but it's best left where it is. With mgmt.


Anonymous said...

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson