n. pl. an·am·ne·ses (-sz)
A recalling to memory; recollection.
I'm listening to my headphones at work and the theme song for Beetle Juice is playing. Oh how I used to love that movie. It's been years since I've seen it, but I used to watch it all the time and I knew just about every line in it, and the words to all the songs. It was really a brilliant movie. I do have to wonder what I would think of the movie if I watched it today. I do remember it being rather cheesy. Of course, it was released in 1988, so by the standards of that day for movies, plus the fact that I was only 11 years old, I can only assume it's actually a really stupid movie.
Other movies I watched often and loved as a child include Oh God, Part 2. Specifically Part 2. I'm not sure why. But my sister and I even tape recorded the dialogue of this film and listened to it over and over without the visual. We must have been really bored as children.
And the best of all... Ricky Ticky Tavy. We liked this movie so much that we even named our cat after the little mongoose in the show. We called her Tavy, because she used to stand up on her back legs a lot like Ricky Ticky Tavy did. Is it strange that I can't find any real reference to this on Google? I mean, it was a famous book written in the late 1800s. Shouldn't there be more evidence of its existence? I'm trying to find a photo.
Thanks to the genius of Peggy, I was able to find this one photo of Ricki Ticki Tavy from Amazon.
He looks like a chipmonk in this photo though.
And I thought of another film that if I was in my right mind yesterday I should never have forgotten to add to the list. Bed Knobs and Broomsticks! How many times did we rub the knobs on our beds hoping we could get the bed to fly like a magic carpet! Did anybody else do this?